The Dresden Symphony Orchestra is making musical history and is being conducted by a robot for the first time. Strictly speaking, it is a mechanical player with three arms that can set different tempos for different groups in the orchestra.

At the premiere of the “Robot.Symphony” program at the Festspielhaus Hellerau in Dresden, everything went exactly as it should. Both the technology and the musicians gave a trouble-free performance. The audience loved it as they applauded continuously.
The robot was developed and trained at TU Dresden
Symphony director Markus Rindt was able to recruit experts from the Technical University of Dresden for the project. In the CeTI (Center for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop) Cluster of Excellence, a conductor’s machine equipped with seven joints “learned” how to beat beats and display dynamics. “Our goal is not to replace conductors in the future,” Rindt said. But they want to break new ground and try what’s possible with robots on the desk.
The Dresden Symphony Orchestra celebrates its 25th anniversary with a concert. The group comprises musicians from renowned orchestras in the country and abroad and is committed to contemporary music.