Precudent case possible: FSF supports Open Source Developers in AGPL process

Precudent case possible: FSF supports Open Source Developers in AGPL process

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has made a statement in a legal dispute between database company NEO4J and John Mark Suhys, which is the developer of the Neo4j-Forks Open Native Graph Database (ONGDB). The court proceedings deal with the validity of changes in the GNU AFFERO Public License (AGPLV3) by Neo4j. The report of the register as an IT expert service, FSF supports Suh’s effort that it rolls the previous court verdict in the case that allowed a change in AGPLV3.


FSF director Zoe Koyman says that FSF wants to ensure that NEO 4J will solve the misuse of AGPLV3. Earlier, software Freedom Conservancy had unsuccessfully tried to submit a statement to the court. The interest group was also involved in the trial against AVM about Fritzbox firmware. Coyman FSF “now forces the GNU license to fix the intentions of the GNU license and re -step to ensure the safety of software freedom”. In early November 2023, FSF Neo4j asked to remove all references of AGPLV3 from the code.

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The California district court’s decision is in favor of Neo4J from the background of the current process from 2021. Earlier, the company had submitted a brand and copyright suit against the company founded by Suhi Purethink as they offered Neo4j-Fork with ONGDB. According to the plaintiff, Suhi violated the terms of the license of the graph database and a decrease in several million US dollars.

loud register The Suhy ONGDB based on the NEO4J Enterprise Edition 3.4 was developed, which was available under two licenses. On the one hand, the company published its database both under commercial NEO4J Sweden Software License (NLLS) and AGPLV3. Version 3.5 spread neo4j only under NLLS. In terms of materials, it is an additional license that restricts the resale and support offers paid with a joint.

Amendments on the license are allowed, but the AGPLV3 also allows other developers to remove the text route when restricted the original license. So Suhi, who returned to the code of Neo4j 3.5 when the ONGDB update was updated and offered her thorns under the Open Source License. For permanently permanent restrictions, software providers must change changes to a new license to be differentiated by AGPLV3. However, because the NLL, the name and in addition, to a large extent the AGPLV3, was in controversy whether the amendments are sufficient to create a new license. The District Judge of California saw the requirements for this.

If the appeal process confirms the previous decision, the court will set an example that limits AGPLV3 and other open source licenses. Because developers will then not legally possible to reverse the restrictions in AGPLV3, the license will no longer ensure that free software remains permanently free.


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