Passkeys: Windows Insider Preview opens up third-party management

Passkeys: Windows Insider Preview opens up third-party management

Microsoft has released a new Windows Insider Preview in the Developer Channel that aims to allow third-party manufacturers to manage passkeys in the system. Camera management in the system also receives new settings.


In Version announcement explains Microsoft The innovations are a little more concrete. Accordingly, Microsoft provides developers with an API for third-party passkey providers. To achieve this, the company has worked with Passkey Manager partners – but Microsoft doesn’t specify which partners.

To do this, Microsoft developers are updating the WebAuthn APIs so that they support the plug-in authentication model. In addition to native Windows passkey management, users will be able to select a third-party passkey provider “in the coming months” and “preserve the Windows Hello user experience.”

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Messages in the WebAuthn flow are sent to the plugin and the response is then sent back to the WebAuthn client app. This allows plugins to generate passkeys on request and use them to authenticate. The “smooth Passkey user experience” will be maintained through the Windows Hello user verification mechanism. There should be further updates to this user experience regarding settings for passkey flow and new capabilities. Programmers find more detailed API information in the associated Github projectBut Bitwarden project announces API Already received positively. However, it is currently unclear when testing of the Passkey Manager using the new API extension will begin.

In addition to the improved Passkeys API, the Windows Preview version also brings new settings for cameras. In Windows Settings there is an “Edit” button in “Bluetooth and Devices” – “Camera”. This leads to advanced camera options. “Multi-app camera” allows multiple apps to access the camera data stream at the same time. This function is intended to be particularly helpful for people with hearing loss so that they can be able to stream to sign language translators and the end audience at the same time. The second new feature is called “Basic Camera” and it only supports primary camera functions. Its purpose is to check if the camera is not working properly as a last resort.


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