Overview of C++26: Libraries

Overview of C++26: Libraries

As already emphasized in my comments on the core language of C++26, I can only give a first impression of the library, since the design freeze of C++26 will not happen until the first quarter of 2025. To cut a long story short, the library does not provide as many powerful features as the core language. The code examples come from the proposals.


Rainer Grimm has been working as a software architect, team and training manager for many years. He enjoys writing articles on the programming languages ​​C++, Python and Haskell, but also frequently speaking at specialist conferences. On his blog Modern C++ he discusses his passion C++ in depth.

Nearby tasks std::string And std::string_view Make the use of these features more convenient.

Using functions to_chars Or from_chars It’s been quite complicated so far. You should have come with us res.ec == std::errc{} Check the success of the conversion. Result is reduced with C++26 bool Change.

std::to_string raises some problems:”The choice of floating-point format makes std::to_string of very limited use in practicee” (published proposal P2587R3,

New version of the survey “Software testing in practice and research”New version of the survey “Software testing in practice and research”
auto loc = std::locale("uk_UA.UTF-8");
setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");

std::cout << "iostreams:\n";
std::cout << 1234 << "\n";
std::cout << 1234.5 << "\n";

std::cout << "\nto_string:\n";
std::cout << std::to_string(1234) << "\n";
std::cout << std::to_string(1234.5) << "\n";

setlocale(LC_ALL, "uk_UA.UTF-8");

std::cout << "\nto_string (uk_UA.UTF-8 C locale):\n";
std::cout << std::to_string(1234) << "\n";
std::cout << std::to_string(1234.5) << "\n";

The program in the previous listing shows that the output of the floating point overload for iostreams is inconsistent. It takes the decimal point from the global C local.

Thank you for the offer P2495R3 can be a string stream from std::string_view be made. In the following example ""sv an empty string_view-Literally.

// implicitly convertable to string_view
const mystring str;

stringstream s1(""sv);
stringstream s1(str);

C++26 allows concatenating strings and string sequences.

std::string calculate(std::string_view prefix)
  return prefix + get_string(); // NO ERROR

In older C++ versions before C++26, there are only data types void, const void And std::nullptr_t valid. If the address of a pointer is to be displayed, it must be in std::string calculate(std::string_view prefix) { return prefix + get_string(); // NO ERROR } should be changed.

double d = 123.456789;
std::format("{}", &d); // ERROR
std::format("{}", static_cast(&d)); // okay
std::format("{}", static_cast(&d)); // okay
std::format("{}", nullptr); // okay

With C++26 the error messages disappear.

// pointerFormat.cpp


int main() {
     std::cout << '\n';

    double d = 123.456789;

    std::cout << std::format("{}", static_cast(&d)) << '\n';
    std::cout << std::format("{}", static_cast(&d)) << '\n';
    std::cout << std::format("{}", nullptr) << '\n';

    std::cout << '\n';


The output of the program then looks like this:

std::format be able to std::filesystem::path-Show objects – such as examples from the proposal P2845R8 clarifies:

auto p1 = std::filesystem::path("/usr/bin");
Ja std::cout << std::format("{}", p1);                           //  /usr/bin

auto p2 = std::filesystem::path("multi\nline");
std::cout << std::format("{}", p2);                          // multi
                                                             // line

auto p3 = std::filesystem::path("multi\nline");
std::cout << std::format("{:?}", p3);                        // "multi\nline"

Thanks for the format string. "{:?}" The last line is an escape sequence "\n" No explanation given.

std::inplace_vector The proposal is as per P0843R8 “A dynamically adjustable vector with a capacity determined at compile time and contiguous embedded memory in which the elements are stored within the vector object itself” (“A dynamically resizable vector with compile-time fixed capacity and contiguous embedded storage in which the elements are stored within the vector object itself,

This container can be used as a direct replacement for std::vector Used. But when should it be done? inplace_vector Or vector used?

A look at the proposal P0843R8 Provides the answer:

  • Memory allocation is not possible, e.g. in embedded environments without free memory, where only the stack and static memory segments are available.
  • Memory allocation shows an unacceptable impact on performance, for example in terms of latency,
  • allocation of objects with complex lifetimes is required in a static memory segment,
  • std::array is not an option, e.g. B. when non-standard manufacturable items need to be stored,
  • within a dynamically adjustable array constexpr-Work Required
  • should be the place of inplace_vector-Within the elements inplace_vector-The object itself lies (for example supporting). memcpy for numbering purposes).

The Range library gets new features: std::ranges::generate_random And std::ranges::concat_view.

Call std::ranges::generate_random(fltArray, g, d) The generator uses g and delivery dTo generate random numbers. The call is equivalent to the following loop:

for(auto& el : fltArray)
el = d(e);

A trend continuing since C++11: more and more functions are being called in C++ constexpr,

  • std::stable_sort, std::stable partition And std::inplace_merge are in C++26 constexpr.This also applies to their counterparts in the Range Library.
  • Proposal P1383R2 says: “This proposal amounts to a (further) liberal sprinkling of Constexpr a snipe as well ,

In my next post I will continue my journey through libraries in C++26.


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