something is wrong OpenAIDirector till now technology behind the company chatgpt, Mira Muratiannounced his goodbyes this Wednesday with a cryptic message. “I want to make time and space to make my own discoveries,” he said in a farewell message shared on social networks. resign Called out. Shortly afterward, two other managers indicated they were also leaving. it’s about bob mcgrewDirector of Research so far, and barrett zoffVice President of Research.
This wave of resignations comes at a complex time for OpenAI. According to Reuters, ‘Startup’ of artificial intelligence (IA) is working on a plan to restructure its core business and change its form of government, converting into a charitable corporation profit motive,
This strategy will allow you to become more attractive investors As develop capital And Appleboth negotiate their partnership financing round which can trigger assessment OpenAI’s up to $150 billion, which will strengthen its position World’s third most valuable startup (only behind China ByteDanceowner of tiktokand american spacextycoon’s wealth Elon Musk,
In the same direction, OpenAI also tries to eliminate the limitation of planning profitability For investors.
reward for altman

Restructuring will bring capital award to OpenAI CEO, Sam AltmanThe company boss could take a 7% stake, acquiring shares for the first time that could be valued at around $10.5 billion, although the figures are not yet clear. For years, Altman even assured the US Congress that he had no interest in participating in the company’s capital and that he did his work for pleasure. Altman is already a millionaire thanks to his investments in more than 400 leading companies such as reddit one of the two strip,
change of course
OpenAI was founded in 2015 as a research laboratory Aye non profitable. Its objective was to develop the full potential of this technology in a philanthropic manner. However, in 2019 its board decided to add a for-profit entity (OpenAI LP) to that structure in order to obtain external financing. Microsoft Invested 1,000 million in the company, adding another 10,000 million in 2023, but that movement created some internal unrest.
In late 2022, OpenAI became a global phenomenon due to the launch of the chatbot ChatGPT Generative AI Capable of producing believable text and simulating human conversation that soon became one of the Application Fastest growing in history. Currently it deposits 200 million users Weekly Assets and is considered the main global career manager among large technology companies such as Microsoft, Google one of the two Target To master this technique.
a controversial turn
With this restructuring of its business, the nonprofit will continue to exist with a minority stake, so its nonprofit board will no longer have control of corporate direction. The move has been criticized by Musk, a former OpenAI board member and foe of Altman – who previously condemned that it would lead to greater risks in the management of AI. In May, the company disbanded a team focused on the long-term risks of this technology after controversial departures Ilya SutskeverCo-founder and until then Chief Scientist of OpenAI.
“Our focus is on building A spokesperson for OpenAI said, “Everyone benefits from AI and we are working with our board to ensure we are best positioned to succeed in our mission.”

Despite Musk’s criticism, OpenAI’s structure will now be more uniform xaiThe AI company of the world’s richest man, or other competitors like anthropic (attended Amazon), which are registered as charitable corporations, which allows them to receive benefits,