Of course: Apple’s Password App and Passkey | Mac and I Podcast

Of course: Apple’s Password App and Passkey | Mac and I Podcast

Over the years, Apple has developed more functional password management, but has hidden it well. With iOS 18 and macOS 15, a new Passwords app makes them visible and tangible to users. Apple has long supported important features: this includes everything from cloud sync with end-to-end encryption to sharing access data to security warnings and support for passkeys. The password manager is also free and can be used not only on Apple operating systems, but also on Windows and in browsers like Chrome and Firefox.


In Episode 86, Malte Kirchner and Leo Becker discuss the innovations of Apple’s Password app – including the advantages and disadvantages. We’re also pleased with Apple’s convenience features for logging in with an SMS code and shopping online with Apple Pay. The central theme is also the great hopes of a secure online world without passkeys and accessible passwords – as well as the shortcomings of the technology. We’re also concerned about what Apple’s solid password management means for paid competitors like 1Password.

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The Mac & i to Apple Podcast appears every two weeks with moderator duo Malte Kirchner and Leo Becker and can be accessed via an RSS feed (audio or video) with any podcast app of your choice – from Apple Podcasts to Overcast to Pocket Casts.

You can also find it to watch or listen to in Apple’s Podcast directory (audio Or Video) and at spotifybe seen on youtube New recording videos in Mac and i ChannelWe welcome feedback, criticism and questions at podcast@mac-and-i.de.


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