O2: “Grow” data to all existing customers with the old contract.

O2: “Grow” data to all existing customers with the old contract.


At the end of the year, Telefónica Deutschland will also introduce a “Grow” component that applies to new contract tariffs for existing customers with old tariffs. This means that the amount of data included in the tariff increases by one to 10 gigabytes annually, even for long-term existing customers. Affected customers will be informed about this through SMS.

In the “Grow” tariff, customers receive a higher inclusive volume each year as the contract length increases. This should now also apply to customers on older tariffs who do not yet have this contract component. Depending on the tariff level, this amounts to between one and 10 gigabytes of extra per billing month every twelve months. As a general rule, small tariffs (“S”) grow by one gigabyte per year, medium tariffs (“M”) by 5 gigabytes and large tariffs (“L” or “XL”) by 10 gigabytes.

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At the end of the last quarter, Telefónica Deutschland had a total of approximately 28 million contract customers. About eleven million of them still have a contract with 1&1 and will gradually be transferred to the new competitor’s network. Of the approximately 17 million O2 contract customers, a significant proportion are still on the old tariff without the “Grow” component.

These O2 customers are set to be converted – the company doesn’t say exactly how many. But there are several million, says private client director Andreas Lockenmann in an interview with Heise Online. These are scheduled to be converted by mid-2025. The additional gigabytes added up to “six billion gigabytes over the next five years” for monthly data volume – that’s about six exabytes.

Customers get additional benefits to their current contract. Otherwise nothing changes, the provider assures: The price, details and duration of the contracts remain unaffected. “It’s a proposal completely without hooks and eyes,” promises Lockenman. Customers do not need to wait for a year; The first additional gigabytes are immediately added to the volume included in their contract.

O2 first introduced the “Grow” benefit as a promotional tariff to mark the brand’s 20th anniversary in 2022. After the tariff received a good response from customers, the network operator initially extended the offer and then permanently added the “Grow” component to its contract portfolio the following year. Other network operators have now integrated similar mechanisms into their tariff portfolios.

With increasing benefits for all contract customers, Telefónica Deutschland wants to position itself as a particularly customer-friendly provider. “With the free and automatic addition of the Grow benefit, we want to thank our existing O2 customers for their trust and loyalty,” says Lockenman. Existing customers deserve the same appreciation as new customers.

In addition to the “Grow Advantage”, Telefónica Deutschland also promotes separate smartphone financing as customer-friendly. Anyone who buys their smartphone from O2 in installments pays it off within 24 months through a separate contract, rather than having to endure high charges throughout the duration of the mobile phone contract. But it doesn’t have to stay that way: Lockemann is predicting two more surprises for 2025.


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