The state government wants to use video games to tackle Islamic propaganda. The State Chancellery said that an additional one million euros would be made available next year for the development of related computer games. This initiative is part of the package of measures that the state government decided after the Soligan case.
game against extremism
NRW Media Minister Nathanael said, “Also in response to the attack in Solingen, the state government aims to raise awareness among the public and especially young people about the field of Islamism prevention, promote media literacy and highlight extremist threats. Is.” Liminsky (CDU). He mentioned the computer game “Lyon’s Identity”, which was published in 2020 to counter right-wing extremism.
“We know that games can help deliver knowledge and values ​​to target groups. In addition to their entertainment value, they also provide important social added value,” says Liminski. The Minister has invited about 35 players from the computer games industry to the fourth “Games Summit” in Cologne this Monday. At the event, Liminski wants to present the main points of the new North Rhine-Westphalian Games funding guidelines, which are due to come into force in 2025.