Nokia wins a patent controversy against Amazon: Prime Video can be discontinued

Nokia wins a patent controversy against Amazon: Prime Video can be discontinued

In a patent dispute with Amazon, Nokia received prohibition against streaming service Prime Video. The district court of Daseldorf on Friday decided that Amazon violated the Nokiaus patent EP2271048, with the operation of the streaming service, reports patent expert on Florian Muller on IP Fry.


Patent with name “Process of providing a multimedia service” Originally Alcatel-Luceant was registered, which was taken by Nokia in 2016. The patent describes a technique for providing multimedia video streams on final devices. Currently it is not clear whether the Amazon can conduct its streaming service even without using the technique described in the patent.

The decision can be implemented against depositing security. This is to cover potential damage if the decision or patent must be canceled by a higher example. According to the report, the court fixed the security deposit at about 647 million euros. What goes to Nokia is still open.

“We welcome the court’s decision and hope that Amazon will fulfill its obligations and agree to a license on fair terms,” ​​Nokia said Compared to IP Fry with.

According to the report, it is generally possible to achieve enforcement of enforcement. The chances of success are low. According to this, prime video operation in Germany can already be suspended. There was no statement on a short notice from Amazon.

In another case, Nokia was already banned on selling sales against Amazon (device) against Amazon (device) with H.265 support before Munich District Court and was implemented against depositing. Since then, Amazon has not been allowed to sell Fire TV Stick 4K Max. This ban on sale is still active.



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