With this post I am starting a new blog series on .NET 9.0. Like last year on .NET 8.0, I will present the innovations in .NET 9.0 in several short articles.
Dr. Holger Schweitenberg is the technical director of the expert network www.IT-Visions.de, which supports many medium-sized and large companies through consulting and training as well as software development with 53 renowned experts. Through his attendance at numerous national and international conferences as well as more than 90 expert books and more than 1,500 expert articles, Holger Schwittenberg is one of the best-known experts for .NET and web technologies in Germany.

.NET 9.0 available from November 12, 2024 on download page Available for free. For .NET 9.0, developers need a development environment visual studio 2022 At least version 17.12.
.NET 9.0 was developed over the last 12 months. Since then, Microsoft has released seven preview versions and two release candidate versions, which I reported on for Heise Developer.
official name
As of .NET 6.0/C# 10.0 and .NET 7.0/C# 11.0, as well as .NET 8.0/C# 12.0, Microsoft supports .NET without “.0” in some places (in .NET 9/C# 13) and with “.0” Uses a notation with . “in other” (.NET 9.0/C# 13.0). I will consistently use the notation with “.0” on download page is standing.
The download page (as of December 11, 2024) consistently uses .NET 9.0 notation.
(Picture: Microsoft,
Blog Series Content
My series will cover these aspects of .NET 9.0 in the coming weeks and months:
- New language features in C# 13.0 programming language
- New features in the Software Development Kit (SDK) in .NET 9.0
- New and Enhanced Classes in the .NET 9.0 Class Library:
Blog Series Goals
My contribution does not claim to replace or supersede the document. Readers may want to look at my articles as inspiration to decide whether an innovation is worthwhile for their use cases and then take a closer look at it.
I will write the articles in the series well in advance to ensure weekly publication. However, due to editorial constraints it may happen that no article appears for a week.