Home MOBILE New Apple Health Study Watch Watch, iPhone and Airpods data connects

New Apple Health Study Watch Watch, iPhone and Airpods data connects


Apple’s equipment collect exciting data for researchers – movement sensors, heart rate measurements, microphones and more. This information is either not saved at all or has been provided only to the user. But if you want, you can also help science: Apple has his own research interface Research kit Implemented. Many major medical studies have already been done, for example to heart health, sleep or listen. Now the group is planning another project in collaboration with many universities: “overall apple health studies”, a study that is considered to combine overall health data by apple devices.


The team consists of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “We have just started scorching the surface of how technology can improve our understanding of human health,” Cardiologist Calum McCare said, “Major Investigator”, IE Director at his university. Many users had collected studies before Apple: a total of 350,000 participants along with hearing, heart and movement studies – “Apple Women’s Health Study” On the subject of women’s health.

As usual, will be through new health studies – currently not available in Germany – Apple Research App Centrally handled. Only people living in the United States should participate. The objective is how current technical systems such as iPhone, Apple Watch or AirPods can play “role in physical and mental health” and usually well. According to Apple, the study includes many health and disease sectors, including physical activity, aging, heart health, communication, health, hearing, hearing, menstrual health, mental health, health, neurological health, sleep and many more Are included.

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This continues in previous studies that Apple did with large universities. Longitudinal studies are completely virtual, so subjects do not need to make appointments among researchers. Its purpose is to determine that Apple Watch, iPhone and CO. With how to identify, monitor and predict how to identify people’s health changes with – but also the equipment of other manufacturers.

Initially information about how many participants will be available – Thanks to the Apple Research App, these can be 100,000 people and if there are enough interested parties.


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