Mission Trust: Visting Opens AI Center in Berlin

Mission Trust: Visting Opens AI Center in Berlin

Ki, Ki. Hardly any incident can be done these days without these two letters. And what happens at the opening of the AI ​​center? The word falls more often than AI. Volcar Wizing is primarily responsible for this. Now non-Pakistan federal ministers opened a participation exhibition in Berlin on Tuesday, which is associated with the Museum of German Technology.


Innovation and Quality Center (IQZ) is part of “Mission of Mission”, which is a national initiative to promote AI and data economy. Above all, one thing must be made on the site and strengthened: trust in AI. It is very good that people in Germany are very openly and interested in AI, calling Vicing. Here you can “experience AI”. Experience means: in a room of purple and yellow, visitors can try something on different stands.

This includes, for example, to examine their liver spots by AI. A smartphone is trapped in a bracket, you just have to do the body part with the area of ​​the skin to check the camera and the table. So best, this is a hand. Then, however, the smartphone takes a picture and analyzes it. The Skindoc app is behind it. It is explained that service can support dermatologists and AI was trained on a huge database with pictures of skin changes. What is missing: The pictures taken from my hand are actually traveling hiking. Perhaps you just have to trust.

At another hand at the station you can control a robot using a PlayStation Controller. A real robot should then take controlled tasks on the controller, for example as-AI twin. Wissing tries, but the robot with two weapons overturns. Despite AI being difficult, place a package with the Evobot of the Fraunhofer Institute on a shelf. It should make everything easier and better. Very fast, visesing is called, translation of control.

Volcar vising on the controller.

Volcar vising on the controller.

(Image: EMW)

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Ujjwal AI works in real time. In video recording, the company replaced the faces presented with other faces. A technique that can come to play when a video is recorded in a public place. It protects people’s privacy, for example, the automotive industry uses cameras to safely guide vehicles through traffic. After all, we do not like to rely on the recording of our location data and faces.

Bright AI explains on a monitor.

Bright AI explains on a monitor.

Bright AI takes facial space in camera shots with other faces to protect privacy.

(Image: EMW)

All these applications come from Germany. According to vising, we need these and other innovations: “Without AI, we will not be competitive.” And AI needs confidence. It is an advantage that we can already regulate for AI with the European AI Act. This is the only way to trust AI. The federal minister believes that it will pay in a long time. He also says that in Germany and the European Union we have the necessary basic research, top force and “put on the right horse”. Financial resources will still disappear. Of course, he talks about the fact that, despite all regulation, we have to be happy to innovate.

Does the wise and mission believe that the silicon valley does not suit the mentality to be able to alliance. The regulation and joy of innovation is currently excluded in the thinking of common AI providers. But on the inauguration of the AI ​​Center, a Chinese AI company speaks. Dipsex should be independently available models to be quite high cost -effective in growth and operation, with similar performances as a large model of USA. In stock exchange, the following is very low for some AI professionals. Trust may hardly manage such procedures-not only in AI nor in American companies. “We see what happens in China is not everything,” warning commented. “I am sure that the demand for high -quality, reliable artificial intelligence from Europe will be present worldwide.”

Apart from reliable AI, control of this and certification is also important. It is about this in another IQZ in Caesarnselotorn. But citizens in Berlin are in the foreground. You should be able to try AI. School classes can come in tourism and workshops, and discussions are also planned.

“I am now in a big sight here,” says intelligence with VR glasses on my nose. So if you want to go out of the eye through the 3D model of a brain, the journey of IQZ is recommended.


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