Young adults – “Digital Natives” – Difference between true and false information is more difficult online. It is one of the more amazing results of a meta study by Max Planck Institute for Educational Research on sensitivity for online Feelin information. Accordingly, old adults (between 48 and 88 years) are less susceptible to fake news and overall doubts. While the extensive image of highly innocent senior citizens oppose senior citizens, it is more likely to be expected to detect disintegration with high analytical thinking.
Political attitude also ensures differences
Meta -ANLISIS that is now presented The team around Mubashir Sultan has evaluated raw data from 31 US studies, which is for misunderstanding on sensitivity. A total of 31 experiments were included with 11,561 participants. For example, it has been shown that there was no significant impact on the ability to distinguish the level of educational qualification between correct and false information. At the same time, analysis has confirmed that Republican voters are more likely to be misled by misinformation than being a case with Democrats. Overall, the news that fulfills the relevant political beliefs was more easily considered.
Summary of Research State Now some other important time can come, the research team said. The World Economic Forum recently reported that misinformation on the Internet is one of the biggest risks in the world. “In view of the rise of right -wing popular, the results of the study are highly relevant,” is called -Athor Ralph Kurvers. Results can affect the debate how it is best. The study shows that it was necessary to include media literacy and important thinking in an early stage in the school plan and teaching age -upupripriate immediately.