Major social networks TikTok, X and Meta’s subsidiary Instagram are particularly vulnerable to the spread of terrorist propaganda. The Irish media regulator, Caoimsían na Máin (CNAM) classified them on the basis of a controversial anti-terrorism regulation and published its decisions on Wednesday. From mid-2022, EU law requires operators of online platforms to remove “terrorist content” from a member state within one hour upon the order of any authority. CNAM identified the risks posed by three platforms after becoming aware of two or more final removal orders against operators.
based on resolutions are tiktok, x And meta boundTo take concrete preventive measures to prevent its services from being used to disseminate terrorist material. They must also report to the supervisory authority within three months. The necessary measures must be “effective, targeted and proportionate”. At the same time, media watchdogs emphasize that they should not unduly infringe on users’ basic rights such as freedom of expression. For example, it is necessary to include specific provisions in the general terms and conditions of the respective provider against the misuse of their service for terrorist propaganda.
Irish regulator sets up online security framework
CNAM will then monitor and evaluate the corrective measures taken by operators. In this context, she points out that violations of regulation by service providers may lead to sanctions. These include a fine of up to four percent of the company’s global turnover. Additionally, the Dublin authority advises users of online services who view suspected terrorist content to report it to the platform. If there are posts that may indicate life-threatening situations, users should also contact the police.
Many online platforms have their EU headquarters in Ireland, so CNAM is responsible for them. In October itself, it released an online safety code prohibiting the uploading or sharing of videos that contain themes of cyberbullying, self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, pedophilia and hatred, violence, Included were acts of racism promoting terrorism etc. The online security framework and related scope of action of Coimisné na Máin includes the Anti-Terrorism Regulation, the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the National Online Security and Media Regulation Act. For too long, Irish supervisory authorities treated Big Tech companies like children. However, they have now changed their course – also because of the fine.