Home MOBILE Make calls faster: Apple revives T9

Make calls faster: Apple revives T9


Anyone who already owned a cell phone in the 1990s will remember the T9 process: “Text on the 9 key” was the acronym. Depending on your skill (and the phone’s text recognition), you can type SMS short messages relatively quickly. Apple has now revived the technique with iOS 18 — not for entering content, but for quickly finding contacts in the dialer view of the telephony app.


There it is ensured that when you enter a number, similar contacts are displayed (2 means “ABC”, 3 means “DEF”, 4 means “GHI” and so on) so that you can immediately Can call. The methodology is as simple as it is quick – at least faster than using the search function, at least often. If multiple hits are found, you can access them by clicking the person icon and corresponding number, as well as “More.” Anyone who doesn’t know this feature gets used to it surprisingly quickly.

T9 in the dialer is nothing new to Android users anyway – the feature has been part of the Google operating system for years. There, too, the often difficult task of navigating through the address book goes away. This year, Apple also introduced other features that are already familiar from Android, including an apparently customizable home screen in which you can now leave gaps if you wish.

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In addition to the new T9 in-dialer function, telephone numbers entered there that are not yet in the address book can now be added directly to it or to an existing contact by clicking on the new icon at the top left .

This is also really a “no-brainer” that Apple previously withheld from customers, who had to add it later via the call list or even archaically using cut and paste. Had to add. This – similar to the T9 in the dialer – is almost reminiscent of the Calculator, which was not available for ages under iPadOS, which Apple has finally added (and itself in its most recent keynote). funny about it Made).


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