Explain Lawnmower or Makeup Techniques on YouTube: Audio and video files were publicly abused by further development of artificial intelligence by criminals with serious episodes, made available to audio and video files. Warns to Warning), Mario Gerno, interaction with the German press agency in MANs.

“I reveal video data from myself, I reveal a voice data by myself and in the meantime AI needs not much to be able to make perfect audio and videos from now on,” says LKA Boss. “Then a person should not be seen that it is not a real person about his keyboard and what should be said about such quality.”
Criminals can misuse video and audio files with AI
To find a suitable victim, “a bit of espionage” is still necessary for potential criminals. “But it will also take AI in the future because I can program what I am watching.”
“With the generation of voice and paintings, it is very comprehensible, from the theft of identity to an inappropriate use of the identity of theft,” Gerno says. He gives the name of a company boss that provides an employee by phone to transfer money as an example. Both were found with AI in future.
It is more difficult to see the authenticity of call or video call
“If the voice fits and perhaps the picture at a point in a video call, it becomes more difficult for people to see that he is not working with the person with whom he thinks that he has to do so. “
The rapid growth of the performance of devices such as chat is attractive on one side, but on the other hand it is also worrying. “There is a crazy ability for the criminal.” Lka Boss has mentioned individual sewn fishing and Pesamel as another example. For example, an invented law firm declared heritage from abroad, but has a fake page on the Internet. “In the future, AI will make it possible for criminals to create a fully designed homepage on all languages.”
AI makes criminals quite easy
“Finally I can also say AI, prepare the letter in such a way that it has the biggest possible reliability,” says Gerno. Criminals no longer had to worry about it. Along with chat, possibly also voice chat, on the other hand, an AI can sit simply sitting with humans on fake writing. “A criminal is able to commit a sudden crime that he first needed a call center – with 100 people who speak different languages.”
“A lot it is still a future music,” says Gerno. “But we are already finding what is happening.
AI can be asked in the future, for example, the programming of fishing software and criminals are offered “sometimes free or crazy for small investment”.
Will many people restrict their digital appearance?
With a solid audio or video file or pictures, AI can then be trained. “The trend of the last few years has taken place to create a digital appearance,” the Gerno said and as an example of pinwheels such as LinkedIn, is probably still associated with YouTube and Tiktok. “The possibilities of digital sources for this programming have increased.”
Gerno recommends: Code in family agrees words
“Perhaps there will be a tendency in the future that people will do digital detox or perhaps with a digital appearance completely withdrawn.” The Gerno advised, for example, to agree against the grandchildren with the family, so that those who make fake calls on the glue are not obtained. And: “Always check two or three times, do I have to set a video on my YouTube channel, telling how my lawn grass cutting machine works?”