Ki-Aexa Getting Close: It is believed to be in late February

Ki-Aexa Getting Close: It is believed to be in late February

Amazon’s voice is about the biggest amendment of the service Alexa Zahi, apparently. According to media reports, the online shopping provider invited media representatives in New York for 26 February. The long -awaited generic AI version of Alexa is to be presented there.


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The new version, which was developed internally under the title “Banyan” and “notable Alexa”, aims to provide much more comprehensive skills than the previous voice auxiliary. Instead of individual orders, the system may interact with several stages in the future and can act as an autonomous “agent”. For example, it can leave or modify the orders independently, US news agency’s Reuters report Citing anonymous sources in the company.

The technical base is partially a startup anthropic, in which Amazon invested a total of eight billion dollars. To avoid quality problems such as hallucinations, the first planned start has been postponed several times. On 14 February, a decision will be taken on the maturity of the market at the “Go/No-Go” meeting.

With the advent of the generic AI model, Amazon was technically falling back with Alexa. Competitive Apple is also currently working on its voice assistant Siri. Apple is expected to bring out the first reforms this year. However, a major change for K-Siri is only forecasting for 2026.

Amazon also wants to stay on a safe side when it now comes in the planned plan: Ki-Alexa, who works on the previous hardware, is to be made available for free in the beginning. Amazon plans to mud the new service with a premium version that should cost between $ 5 and $ 10 per month. The classic Alexa function should remain free, but there should be no more updates.

In view of the high distribution of Eco equipment, analysts feel a good chance that Amazon can make the already reduced area beneficial with Ki-Aexa. About half a billion Alexa devices are compatible with the new version. If only users pay for the new service, the Amazon can generate additional annual sales in the three -digit million range, it is called.


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