Joy against Will: ARD and ZDF defend themselves against Prosiebensat.1.

Joy against Will: ARD and ZDF defend themselves against Prosiebensat.1.

ARD and ZDF have taken legal steps against prosiebensat.1. The media company after integrating public broadcasters’ media libraries in its streaming service Joy. Frankfurt Allgemine Ziteung (FAZ) report.


“A test phase that provides for Ard Meditehek embeding Ard on Joy, did not agree,” said by ARD of FAZ. The integration of the material was clearly contradictory. According to ARD, integration of media library content on Joy is “legally unfair and not in the sense of public law.” ZDF also wants to proceed against prosiebensat.1, reports FAZ.

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A few days ago, prosiebensat.1 surprisingly began to include media libraries of public broadcasters in its streaming service Joy. Since then, the contents of ARD and ZDF can also be called by JoyanYou do not need membership or account on streaming platforms from prosiebensat.1. Prosiebensat.1 talks about a “content collaboration” that is still in the test phase.

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However, public broadcasters do not want to know anything about such cooperation. According to deutschlandfunk Florian Hagar, president of ARD, recently referred to the process of private media company as “modern bandits”. “This is a new form of piracy that I did not imagine,” said Hagar.

In a press release from the end of January, Prosiebensat.1 announced that “content collaboration” was closed with the Ard Plus and WDR Medagroup so that it was able to show series like “Dye Lindentesta” and “The Grand City Tree” Could be On happiness. There is a clear disagreement between media company and public service broadcasters.

Compared to Media magazine dwdl Prosiebensat.1 argues, media libraries are legally allowed according to the European Court jurisdiction. Depending on this legal interpretation, prosiebensat.1 also integrates the contents of ORF in Austria.


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