IX Workshop: Owasp® Top 10-Samvaded Security Risk for Web applications

IX Workshop: Owasp® Top 10-Samvaded Security Risk for Web applications

It provides information about the most common security intervals in web applications Open web app security project (Owasp) Your top ten web applications at security risk.


IX in the workshop Owasp Top 10: Understand important security risks for web applications Explain and display Björn Kaidel and Tobias GleMser with the top 10 rankings and their effects. You not only know the risks, but also learn how you can track the weaknesses in yourself to save yourself as much as possible against cyber attacks and data theft. Are.

Safety experts björn kaidel work in penetration testing and testing agency areas, where, among other things, he resorted to a safety method for an international key customer and conducted the product tests. Tobias Glamsar is a German chapter lead and BSI-prohibited penetrator with more than 20 years of professional experience.

The workshop is explained in such a way that developing and product owners, scum master, security managers, architects and administrative matters are trained and sensitive about general weaknesses and recommended counters.

Anyone who wants to know more about the subject and exchanges ideas about it, is invited harmoniously Heise Devsec from 30 September to 1 October, 2025 to visit. The conference offers a diverse program with more than 30 lectures and an upstream workshop day that relates to the relevant subjects of safe software development.

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