IX Workshop: Getting started with MS Fabric – the all-in-one data analysis platform

IX Workshop: Getting started with MS Fabric – the all-in-one data analysis platform

With MS Fabric, Microsoft offers an all-in-one analytics platform for data analysis that combines all the tools for the entire data and analysis process into one product. In a seamlessly integrated environment, cross-tool processing, analysis, and visualization of large amounts of data takes place through a connection to a common data lake.


in the workshop MS Fabric: Getting started with the all-in-one data analysis platform You will receive best practices for switching to a new cloud AI analytics solution and learn how individual applications work together.

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Data scientist Emil Vinkazovic gives an overview of the tools of the new AI analysis solution from the cloud and shows you how you can use them in your company. He attaches great importance to a high level of practical relevance. You will perform practical exercises for each application (Data Factory, Synapse Data Engineering, Synapse Data Science, Synapse Real-Time Analytics, Power BI) under his guidance. You will learn how to connect non-Microsoft systems, how to reduce costs through effective architecture and efficient ETL paths, and get practical help for successful implementation.

09/25 – 27 September 2024

Online Workshop, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Upto 10% introductory discount 27 August 2024

Emil Vincazovic works as a Data Engineer and Data Scientist at Arillium GmbH with a focus on econometrics and artificial intelligence. In his customer projects he works mainly with Azure Synapse, Azure Databricks, Azure Machine Learning Studio and since its release also with Microsoft Fabric.

The training is aimed at data engineers, data analysts and data scientists, as well as Python, R and SQL developers – each of whom has appropriate experience or previous knowledge. The number of participants is limited to 12 people so that there is enough space to ask questions to the speaker and exchange with each other. The next workshop will take place from September 25 to 27, 2024


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