Home DEVELOPER IX Workshop for Developers and Architects: IT Management with Terraform

IX Workshop for Developers and Architects: IT Management with Terraform


There is an open source tool from the region of the infrastructure in the form of Terform Code (IAC). This enables developers and operating teams to define and manage the entire IT infrastructure, it is in the cloud, in its own data center or in the hybrid environment, with the help of a manifesto codes.


IX workshop Terraform – infrastructure as code Cloud architects, software developers and devops are aimed at engineers. In two days, Speaker Carl Kemurka paid attention to how to make local and cloud infrastructure, functions and procedures in self-written scripts, handed them over to Terraform and thus automated deployment and administration. In practical examples, create and modify various IT infrastructure components in Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL)

The next online workshop will be from 27th March to 28th, 2025. To benefit from the content of the workshop, you must have basic knowledge in the system and network administration as well as skill knowledge.

Speaker Carl Kemurka B1 Systems works as an advisor and trainer in the areas of automation, effective administration and configuration management at GMBH.

If you learn more about continuous delivery, devops, devsecops and gitops and want to exchange ideas with experts Technical Conference CLC (continuous life cycle/containerconf) on 19 and 20, 2025 Invited in Manhem. Practical lectures, workshops and discussions are ready for groups – with platform engineering, developer experience and attention to the target use of (generative) AI.

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