Software company Jetbrain has provided its data playground, an interactive dashboard via Global Developer Landscape, with a new functioning and current data from 2024. The IT salary calculator is now outsourced and provides an insight on how many developers earn in different countries.
This is salary in 15 countries
After the programming language and the selection of the country, the salary calculator shows the salary period of the annual gross containers (in US dollars) in 2024. Salary is broken after years of programming experience. Data Aadhaar Jetbrain makes survey Developer Ecosystem Survey 2024In which more than 23,000 developers have participated worldwide.
Out of the 15 countries, the salary can be selected in the calculator, among other things, the United States, the United Kingdom, are located in India, France and Germany. Listed programming languages ​​are:
- C/C ++
- C#
- Go
- Html/css
- Java/Kotlin
- JavaScript/Typscript
- Python
- Provoke
- SQL (Pl/SQL, T-SQL or other programming extensions from SQL)
- Shell scripting languages
Experienced JavaScript/Typescript developers lead in Germany
The pay scale in Germany leads JavaScript/Typescript developers with a 16 -year coding experience: they earn up to $ 223,000 per year. However, it is clearly an exterior, as the width of the salary period with this experience is heavy and starts at $ 43,000. For comparison: Under these conditions, up to $ 450,000 can be obtained in the United States-which is also possible with 11–16 years of experience.
JavaScript/Typescript Development Opera earns up to $ 223,000 per year in Germany.
(Image: Jetbrain)
Even with low experience, there are obvious differences between the lowest and highest materials. For example, JavaScript/Typescript developers in Germany earn a programming experience between $ 35,000 and $ 150,000. Other programming languages ​​have an equally diverse images, for example in Java/Kotlin, the values ​​are of 6 to 10 years of experience of $ 41,000 to $ 134,000.
Java/Kotlin Developers’ salary in Germany in 2024
(Image: Jetbrain)
It should be noted that the year of experience refers to the time of professional programming – not for the selected programming language.
More information For IT Pay Calculator And Data playground dashboardWith which it was outsourced, Can be found in jetbrain,
(Image: WD Ashari/
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