iOS 18.4 Beta: Apple Intelligence rehearses Germany’s onset

iOS 18.4 Beta: Apple Intelligence rehearses Germany’s onset

Apple provided the first developer beta of iOS 18.4 for download on Friday evening, and the previous version of iPados 18.4 and MACOS 15.4 sequoia are also available for testing. The operating system updates unlock Apple Intelligence without any for iPhones and iPads in member states of Germany and all other European Union. The normal release of iOS 18.4 is scheduled in early April. Apple Intelligence has already been active by default since iOS 18.3, which should also be applicable to new countries.


So far, Apple’s AI tasks in the European Union can only be activated by a workaround on the iPhone. Apple did not want to unlock the integrated voice model in the European Union originally due to “regulatory uncertainties” – in addition to McOS, which, unlike iOS and iPados, does not fall under strict competition rules of the Digital Market Act.

An importantly extended support for languages ​​goes by hand with the onset of the European Union: Apple’s AI model was first designed from iOS 18.4 for German-Language Material, as well as French, Italian and Spanish also designed Is. So far, the system has purely acted in English and accordingly assumed to change the language of the entire operating system.

With iOS 18.4, Apple wants to bring already known AI tasks into the European Union. Among other things, it includes options to use chats through Siri, edit texts and generate images and emoji. Summary of email and communication also work with the German language messages.

Bundestag before the election: Digital policy under magnifying glass | Not uplinkBundestag before the election: Digital policy under magnifying glass | Not uplink

In iOS 18.4, new is also an automatic priority of messages that should focus on especially important or time -political news. Apple Mail already provides this functionality for email, but so far, however, spam and fishing emails have been marked as a priority. Apple wants to offer further interfaces to the developers to integrate Apple Intelligence Functions in their own app, including the answer generated for communication (“smart answer”).

Apple’s Voice Assistance System Siri has been improved by AI so far, innovations are largely limited to a new user interface and a standard option to address the Siri by Text instead of Voice Command. According to Apple, the system should also use the user’s reference information in the future, identifying the screen material and the third application should improve better. This important functional extension should only be in the coming months, so it is not apparently on 18 April. A full Siri new run based on voice model is expected only in 2026.

With the first beta of Visionos 2.4, Apple Intelligence also makes its debut at Vision Pro, but only in American English. Here, especially relevant tasks such as “visual intelligence”, which provides information on objects in the physical environment, is clearly missing.

It is also open for time, so what and when and when and when the iphone-mirroring (iphone synchronization “) is active in the functioning of apple in the European Union.


Bundestag before the election: Digital policy under magnifying glass | Not uplinkBundestag before the election: Digital policy under magnifying glass | Not uplink


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