Home DEVELOPER Identity management: Keycloak relies on 26 consecutive user sessions

Identity management: Keycloak relies on 26 consecutive user sessions


Nearly four months after Keycloak 25, version 26 is now available. The latest release of open source software for identity and access management (IAM) separates the publication of some KeyCloak client libraries from the release cycle of KeyCloak Server, bringing innovations to the persistence of user sessions and distributed tracing of the open source framework. Presents a preview for. OpenTelemetry.


In the future, the three Keycloak client libraries will have a release cycle that is independent of the Keycloak server. In the current release, the libraries still appear with the server, but according to the development team this may be the last time.

The client libraries in question are the Maven Artifacts Java Admin Client (org.keycloak:keycloak-admin-client), Java Authorization Client (org.keycloak:keycloak-authz-client) and Java Policy Enforcer (org.keycloak:keycloak-policy-enforcerThese are compatible with Java 8 and can therefore be used with client applications deployed on older application servers. More libraries may be added in the future.

Keycloak 25 brought this feature persistent-user-sessionsWhich allows all user sessions to persist in the database – unlike previous behavior when this only applied to offline sessions. In Keycloak 26 it is now enabled by default. This means that users remain logged in even after restarting or upgrading all Keycloak instances.

However, if you want to disable this feature, you can see the “Unstable user session” section in the instructions Configure distributed cache visit.

As a preview feature, Keycloak 26 enables Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetryIt is used to obtain application traces for better overview and is intended to, among other things, detect performance bottlenecks and help determine the causes of application failures.

More information about the new version Can be found in the Keycloak blogDevelopment team provides support when upgrading to Keycloak 26 a migration guideWhich includes the full list of changes.




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