The New Year of the Day images begin with a colorful mix of nature and landscape scenes with human elements: horses racing on the beach, dramatic storm clouds, ships surrounded by impressive mountain backgrounds and tiny shiny snowflakes on woolen socks.
season is over
season is over
(Image: mixmax_14)
The bathing season is over, which can be clearly seen from the almost deserted beach. The old colors give the shot a touch of nostalgia and nostalgia. MixMax_14 The beginning of the end of the season – season is over – Optimally.
run Baby Run
run Baby Run
(Image: 54gradepixel)
A photo of horse racing on the beach in Sanlúcar de Barrameda Cadiz. “It’s really just a snapshot of fate,” writes 54gradpixel. “Right in front of me, the horse appears to be flying, all his hooves in the air. But these are the moments that make photography exciting to me.” The horse radiates strength and beauty – run Baby Run,
storm mood
storm mood
(Image: Musipula)
The mountain range captured by Masipula is illuminated by the last golden rays of the sun, while dark dark clouds cover the sky in the foreground. The first rain is falling in the middle. storm mood Color contrasts have a particularly dramatic effect.
So small and yet so beautiful…
So small and yet so beautiful…
(Image: Trnka_F)
,So small and yet so beautiful…” Trnka_F (aka Ferenc Trnka) thinks when he sees a small snowflake on his freshly washed alpaca socks on the winter drying rack. “Since I was able to have a new 100mm macro lens at the time, I jumped at the chance. Test it. It was that easy.”
river bank
river bank
(Image: Rainer von der Schlei)
This analog image of a river bank Was built in 1984. This is a 35 mm slide and was displayed with a Konica autoreflex on Ektachrome film. It was shot by Reiner von der Schlei (aka Rainer Weber) in Teufelsmoor near Warpswede in Hamm. “At that time, nothing was left to chance, and the focus was on the ripples of water caused by the passing of a boat shortly before sunset.”
Under the sea – in the garden of the octopus
Under the sea – in the garden of the octopus
(Image: banshee66)
Countless fish swim around the wreck in the water basin of the large lake at Meeresam in Stralsund. Banshee66 (aka Oliver von Bohlen) explains of his photo, “Because of the positioning and the elimination of reflections, it looks as if you’re basically diving under the wreck.” Under the sea – in the garden of the octopus,
In the Fjord
In the Fjord
(Image: Pham Nuvem)
Pham Nuvem inspects a ship In the FjordWhich seems small in comparison to the surrounding landscape. The black and white filter makes the image even more dramatic and highlights the shimmering lights on the water surface and the cargo ship. Snow-clad mountains shrouded in darkness dominate the background.
You can find an overview of all this week’s photos here:
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Apple iPhone SE (2nd generation) | 4mm | ISO 25 | F/1.8 | 1/5405 sec (image: