The GovStack initiative has published specifications for building an independent cloud infrastructure. On this basis, governments should be able to build and use their own clouds. To this end, GovStack is working with the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS) project, which is funded by the federal government. Cloud infrastructure specifications are part of the overall goal of the initiative. She wants to develop a digital creation kit that governments can use to create their own e-government applications.

SCS software largely meets specifications
A working group within GovStack, which includes the SCS project, developed it Cloud Infrastructure SpecificationsRequirements include security measures such as data encryption and rights management. The work group also needs scalability and cost monitoring as well as possible connections to other systems in a modular system. The software developed by SCS meets most of the requirements and recommendations of GovStack and is available as an open source reference.
The specifications should enable governments to build their own cloud services and integrate them into their digital strategy. Use should not be limited to official use in private clouds, but it should also be possible to provide capabilities in hybrid or public clouds. This way, governments can support regional companies digitally. Other blocks of the kit include electronic signatures or digital directories, for example for personal or vehicle data. In Germany, six federal states have recently decided to use Microsoft Cloud.
GovStack is a lighthouse project of Germany’s digital strategy. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The initiative is currently collaborating with five countries to implement a sovereign cloud. The SCS project defines and implements standards for open source clouds. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and is part of Gaia-X, a European research project to build a competitive data infrastructure in Europe.