Google says, “Artificial intelligence requires a secure framework and applicable standards that can keep pace with rapid development.” A new organization has been created to address these challenges: the Coalition for Secure AI (COSAI), which launched on Thursday. In addition to Google, founding members include Amazon, Anthropic, ChainGuard, Cisco, Cohere, Zenlab, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA, OpenAI, PayPal, and Viz. (Vis is an IT security startup that Google is interested in acquiring.)
COSAI I would like to work with science in general, other organizations and the IT industry and initially lead three working groups: to secure the AI supply chain (software supply chain security for AI systems), to prepare IT security for the changing threat scenarios of AI as well as to manage AI security governance.
Functions of the three working groups
For example, the latter group should develop a system of definitions so that people in the industry talk less over each other. The task list also includes checklists and standardized evaluation systems for assessing preparedness for security problems in AI applications, managing and monitoring them, and reporting on security problems.
To strengthen IT security in the fight against AI-powered attackers, the second COSAI working group will create a framework that will help IT defenders decide whether to invest in mitigation measures. The first working group will develop instructions based on the experience of classic software. These guides are intended to help you figure out how a particular AI arose (origin and construction) and how it can interact with third-party offerings to anticipate threats.
Other CoSAI initiatives In the autumn, Google expanded its bug bounty program to include AI products to encourage third parties to look for AI vulnerabilities. In June last year, the data company was Own secure AI framework Published and collaborated with industry partners Voluntary AI Commitments Published.
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