The beginning of GeForce RTX 5000 is a defeat: even if you cancel that you can hardly buy such graphics cards (and if so, only on the price of the absurd moon), there are some technical abnormalities, from melting power stretkers to black screens from the black screen, which are incorrectly low level level level level (RAPS, RAPS) Are. given.
As no longer not learned from many notebook manufacturers, they are currently bringing special changes in the Far East so that the play does not go to the next Act: NVIDIA has stopped manufacturers to check the already made notebooks with new mobile GeForce-RTX-5000 graphics chips. The attention here is also on the GPU, in which less rops are active than specifying the data sheet. This leads to a potentially significant loss in 3D performance.
The campaign is to ensure that the system with faulty mobile GPUS, which, with a desktop variants, are clearly absorbed by the quality assurance of NVIDIA, before they are also distributed to the customers. The current test process should still mean less effort for manufacturers, compared to later exchange campaigns – not to mention disappointed customers.
It is not clear how many notebooks it is; A manufacturer only ran away from his equipment that had to turn on the additional round. According to reports, large -scale production for these days is only high: Nvidia recently distributed the final VBIO to the Notebook GPU, as fine sanding was required.
The first gaming notebook with GeForce RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 is given before the end of February. Delivery is in the current situation, but is not basically planned in March, but only from April. The notebook manufacturer and model, GPU version, can also be formed or later, based on the CPU manufacturer and distribution area. In addition, it should be shown earlier whether there is enough GPU or much higher than demand supply.