William Volkman of the Institute for Private Capital at the University of North Carolina summarizes, “There is no justification for using Denuvo (for computer games longer than three months),” especially since Denuvo may have negative technical side effects. And it is generally rejected. By players.” However, initially, the use of copy protection (DRM, digital restriction management) may be economically beneficial for game studios.
Volkmann is an economist and mathematician. They examined the effects of Denuvo DRM on sales generated from PC games and evaluated 86 games with Denuvo DRM published on Steam from September 2014 to the end of 2022. First, they did not find any characteristics that explain why DRM is cracked faster in some games than in others. So it is neither the price nor the user rating; That’s why more expensive or better received games don’t get cracked faster than others.

If they are cracked, the sales generated from the games are initially lower than comparable, uncracked computer games. However, the gap narrows each week after publication. In the first twelve weeks after publication, revenues are down an average of 15 percent (average 20 percent).
it doesn’t even matter
However, after that, PC games bring so little revenue that it practically doesn’t matter whether DRM protection is still present or broken. Publishers can therefore remove unpopular DRM “with minimal harm (and potential gain from consumers who strongly oppose DRM),” the scientist concluded.
Volkmann’s study Revenue impact of Denuvo digital rights management on PC video games Appears in the first 2025 issue of the magazine entertainment computingyou can do it online check now Can be read at a price of about 50 euros.