Animal portraits are the key theme this week and our gallery photographers have tracked down a variety of animals and expertly staged them. Whether macro photography or abstract silhouettes, the images show living creatures in their natural environment.
bearded tit
bearded tit
(Image: Rolf Fries)
“The bearded tit, especially the colorful male with his long black beard line, has long been on my wish list. But as very agile and shy reed dwellers, they are difficult to find in their native habitat, large waters -Capturing reed fields, and photographing them in attractive positions,” says Rolf Friese about his distinctive winged bird. The animal stands out due to the focal length of 400 millimeters and thus attracts everyone’s attention. Is.
where are you looking
where are you looking
(Image: uschi1956)
By chance, photographer uschi1956 discovered a small big-eyed jumping spider on a leaf in her garden and photographed it with the title. where are you lookingRegarding the situation she says, “They are usually very fast and hide or run away when they come close. This was probably a particularly curious specimen; Looked closely at what I was doing.” The prominent eyes, which are especially prominent, make the look curious and almost cute.
Mountain goat
Mountain goat
(Image: photofreund55)
“I was driving towards Bocca di Verghiu on the ‘Road of the Goats’ and just wanted to take pictures. I saw at a turn a rock that looked like gnomes, lizards or lions. And then I heard a goat roar I went out quickly, because I was afraid she would run away from me, but she was still roaring with all her might, like I had never heard a goat do before, she had probably lost her family. , others replied from down in the valley, fotofreund55 reports on how their photo is. Mountain goat Was built on the island of Corsica. Because of her tall status and long hair, she appears almost regal and noble.
silhouette of duck in flight
silhouette of duck in flight
(Image: Khan)
Gallery Photographer Khan is focusing on his photo silhouette of duck in flight On the outline of animals. The lack of detail in the birds’ feathers and the black and white representation of the scene creates an abstract image that is worth looking at. The low perspective and blurred plants in the foreground give the viewer a hidden position, as if someone is secretly watching the birds. “The photograph was taken in a nearby pond area, which is looked after by the State Bird Protection Association. The best time to take photographs there is early morning. The exposure time is kept short accordingly to prevent activity.” The gallery photographer wrote to us.
shore place
shore place
(Image: bild0815)
This shot is eye-catching with bright colors and fine details shore place Immediately from Bild0815. To photographers, the dragonfly is one of those creatures that seems to have disappeared over time. Nevertheless, he presents the insect beautifully by placing it in front of a colorful background, which complements the picture and makes it truly eye-catching.
brown owl
brown owl
(Image: Etherman)
Gallery Photographer Daniel Stellwagen (Etherman) has one brown owl Discovered in the hollow of a tree. We don’t know whether it has a nest there or is hiding for a short time. In any case, he seems to be paying close attention to his surroundings. The black and white photo highlights not only the owl’s feathers but also the structure of the tree. The slightly darker background and the light falling on the side of the tree also create a serene lighting environment. “Since I often photograph dark brown owls, I always try to present the subject differently. Here I ultimately decided on a monochrome version because it seemed more interesting to me,” explains the photographer.
a little moment
a little moment
(Image: BerndBA)
BerndBA has another small spider with big eyes for his photo a little moment Recorded. What is particularly impressive is the sharpness and green leaves, amidst which the animal appears small. She seems a little startled and remains quiet so as not to attract attention.
You can find an overview of all this week’s photos here:
Picture 1 From 7
Olympus OM-1 | 400mm | ISO 200 | F/7.1 | 1/800 sec (image:
Rolf Fries