Home MOBILE Frequent questions about the screenshot tool in macOS 15 can be answered

Frequent questions about the screenshot tool in macOS 15 can be answered


Apple has built a “feature” into macOS 15 that may cause some users trouble: apps that allow screen recording will have to ask for permission every month in the future. This applies to screenshotting tools as well as video conferencing applications such as Teams or Zoom, as these enable screen sharing. Apple says the function is intended to better protect users’ privacy – originally the demand also came on a weekly basis.


Apple did not include the form of whitelisting that many developers requested in the final version of macOS 15. Developers now fear that their users may inadvertently close common tasks due to the unneeded release dialog – sometimes the dialog even disappears or “hides” behind other windows. However, as it now turns out, there are several ways to turn off the demand. Even if it fundamentally affects system security, it may be worth it – at least if the user knows what he is doing.

The simplest solution comes from Dutch developer Jordi Bruin, known for apps like MacWhisper. He’s with you amnesia wrote a simple app that records which applications are affected by the macOS screen access reminder – and can then turn off this demand. He distributes the tool free of charge (donations are welcome) and uses a simple trick: As it turns out, you can manipulate the timestamp, which macOS 15 then stops asking for. The app is currently only compatible with macOS 15.0, but there will soon be an update for macOS 15.1, which is currently in beta testing.

If you find things a little more complicated, you can also do without with the easy-to-use Amnesia app. Developer Jeff Johnson, who, among other things, developed the Safari troubleshooting tool Stop the Madness, lists it on his blog A series of simple tips. After you receive it Terminal-Application Full disk access If permission has been granted (via system settings), you can read a PLIST file with this command:

    defaults read ~/Library/Group\ Containers/group.com.apple.replayd/ScreenCaptureApprovals.plist

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Then you check the app you want to edit. For example, is it the program? ShottrYou will need to enter the following:

defaults write ~/Library/Group\ Containers/group.com.apple.replayd/ScreenCaptureApprovals.plist "/Applications/Shottr.app/Contents/MacOS/Shottr" -date "3024-09-21 12:40:36 +0000"

The change is that the timestamp is set from 2024 to 3024 – i.e. 1000 years in the future. This means that there will be no demand until then. This should be done for everyone ScreenCaptureApprovals.plist App included.

Important: It is necessary to log out after making the settings so that these new values ​​​​take effect. Johnson concluded his blog entry by saying that he would always write something nasty to Tim Cook or Craig Federighi at this point, but is happy to refrain from doing so here. “Just enjoy the freedom of not getting annoyed every month.”


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