Florida man arrested for shooting at Walmart drone

Florida man arrested for shooting at Walmart drone

How Yahoo reportThe 72-year-old Clermont man faces several charges. Among other things, he is accused of shooting at a Walmart delivery drone. According to him, she flew over his house and he tried to “scare her away.” After failing, he wanted to use armed force to drive the delivery drone away. Neighbors and witnesses reported the incident to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, which investigated the circumstances.


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As it turned out, the drone was traveling as part of an advertising campaign of the DroneUp company, which had just started a collaboration with Walmart. They wanted to advertise the new service using fake deliveries. The two-person DroneUp team was on its way to receive the drone. They were waiting at the programmed delivery point on a closed street in front of the shooter’s house. According to employees, the drone had already reached the target area and was landing when the accused pointed a pistol at it.

After hearing gunshots by the DroneUp crew, the employees took refuge in the van and headed back to Walmart. The damaged drone also managed to land back at the supermarket under its own power. Walmart’s drone delivery service is being tested in several states in the US. After being questioned by sheriff’s officials, the shooter admitted to firing one shot from his 9mm caliber pistol at the drone. The victim said that as drones were constantly flying over his house, he suspected they were being used to keep an eye on him.

Florida law prohibits the operation of drones over or near “critical infrastructure.” However, flying drones over residential areas is permitted. Police took the suspect to the Lake County Jail and charged him with shooting at an aircraft. This is true in Florida Firing on the plane as a misdemeanor. Other charges include criminal mischief, damaging a drone, causing damage over $1,000 and discharging a firearm in public.

The 72-year-old man has been released on $13,500 bail pending trial. A Walmart spokesperson said the company is aware of the incident but would not comment further. Walmart referred Lake County law enforcement for information. In a Facebook post, the sheriff’s office said a bullet hole was discovered in the drone’s payload area. The Lake County Sheriff’s Department also released more details about the incident facebook site,


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