Fleet 1.39 introduces different views and makes file navigation easier

Fleet 1.39 introduces different views and makes file navigation easier

JetBrains has released Fleet 1.39. The new preview version of the distributed development environment can now, among other things, compare files and enable smart mode for individual files. A new option structure-Tool window is available for viewing and navigating within the file structure.


In the fleet you can Activate the so called smart modewhich unlocks additional features. However, according to JetBrains, developers should only use it in projects they trust. Smart mode allows you to access functions such as semantic highlighting or code completion, which are only partially available without smart mode. Some functions such as code refactoring or instant error detection and quick fixes are reserved for smart mode only.

Fleet 1.39 has the ability to open a new file and use smart mode, without opening any folder. It currently works with most programming languages ​​that use the IntelliJ backend, including Java, Kotlin, TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Go, but also with C++.

Files can now be compared in Fleet: With git | current file and the selection of Compare to branch Or Compare with commit The difference between files and directories is visible. These are different ideas may refer to the following:

  • two files
  • the current file and another branch
  • The current file and another revision in the same branch

a new one structure-Tool window is also available. In this dedicated interface, developers can view and navigate the structure of a file. This option is considered more convenient than large files structure-Pop-up to use. New tool window can be accessed View | Symbol or about action-abbreviation (⇧⌘K Or Ctrl+Shift+K) and select go to symbol tool,

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Raft 1.39: After Selection "Go to symbols" can navigate between symbols

Fleet 1.39: You can navigate between symbols after selecting “Jump to Symbols”.

(Image: JetBrains)

As another innovation, Fleet can now automatically identify the programming language in anonymous files. However, these files are not automatically saved.

More information about the new release can be found on the JetBrains blog. Available using Fleet 1.39 JetBrains Toolbox app is available for download,


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