Federal Government: It’s time for “digital only”

Federal Government: It’s time for “digital only”

“Digital first, concerns later.” The FDP went into the 2017 federal election campaign with this slogan. Federal Digital Minister Volker Wissing, who belongs to the Liberals, is now going a step further: “It is now time to transform the digital strategy into a ‘digital only’ strategy,” he stressed on Friday. “We must constantly move away from analog. “Parallel structures will have to be dismantled and fully digital processes will have to be relied upon.”


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This is not only more efficient and saves costs, but also improves data availability, Vissing emphasizes: “Only if we become a completely digital country can we develop Germany as a leading AI location.” and strengthen our position in international competition.”

Reason for petition: The Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV) has 2. Progress Report on the Federal Government’s Digital Strategy Published. The minister summarized the results as follows: “Millions of citizens use new digital offers such as Deutschlandticket, Federal ID or e-prescription.” Therefore the country should continue to move on the path it has chosen.

The minister immediately received support from IT association Bitcom. Its managing director Bernhard Rohleder explained: “We cannot continue to run inefficient analog processes until the end of the day. Analog processes must be phased out and phased out step by step.” It is important that “digital only” also applies first and foremost to Germany’s administration.

On the other hand, civil rights organizations like the Humanist Union and Digital Courage have long warned against digital coercion. They demand that basic administrative services and companies like Deutsche Bahn should remain available in analog form. The Greens also do not believe in forced digitization, although the public sector would have to continue to operate on two tracks. Bitcom wants to provide “digitally remote people” with “assistance in accessing digital administrative services”, at least in offices.

According to the old strategy, powerful networks, more available data, open standards, open sources and secure digital identities should help Germany eventually move forward digitally. The Digital Ministry now says: Of the 100 planned measures, 87 have been implemented or are in progress.

In the area of ​​networks, approval processes have been simplified and digitized and modern laying methods have been facilitated, BMDV emphasised. More than 92 percent of the federal territory is covered by 5G by at least one network operator. Almost every third home has the opportunity to connect to a fiber optic network – twice as many as in 2021. The EU Commission also praised the local expansion as “fantastic”. However, the Federal Association of Broadband Communications (BRECO) has just warned that the government’s medium-term fiber optic target is at risk.

In the mobility sector, the authors point out that more than 13 million people used the Digital Germany Ticket. Since June, the BahnCard has been offered only digitally. This saves 30 tonnes of plastic every year. Digital vehicle registration has broken the one million mark. Drivers have saved time and money more than 1.5 million times with i-Kfz.

The ministry also sees Germany as an emerging AI location. The number of AI startups is increasing significantly. New centers and real-world laboratories support German medium-sized businesses in introducing artificial intelligence. The first European exascale supercomputer Jupiter is under construction at the Jülich Research Centre.

The authors consider e-prescription and “EPA for all” to be a “milestone” in the health care system. Moreover, OZG 2.0 has given new impetus to e-government. However, the Federal Audit Office revealed the weaknesses of administrative digitalization.


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