Federal government: Breaking coalition moves digital policy forward

Federal government: Breaking coalition moves digital policy forward

In the last quarter of last year, the federal government completed eleven digital policy projects. After the breakdown of the traffic light alliance, it completed eight of these projects, whereas earlier it had completed three. This comes from industry association Bitcom’s “Digital Policy Monitor.” “It is good that the federal government has completed some important projects in the few weeks before the new elections,” says Ralf Winterhorst, president of Bitcom.


Plans implemented include the agreement between federal and state governments on Digital Pact 2.0, the Strategy for Autonomous and Connected Driving and the reintroduction of digital employment contracts. Since the beginning of the year, it has been possible to conclude employment contracts by email, for example, without the need for a printed version or signature. Contract changes and supplemental agreements can also be implemented in a paperless manner. However, termination and expiration agreements must still be in writing on paper.

By the end of the year, the federal government had implemented about a third of the 334 digital policy projects with 115 projects. Currently about 55 percent of the schemes are still in the implementation stage. However, more than one in ten projects have not yet started. That’s why Winterhorst is pushing for an independent digital ministry under the new government. Their demand is that it should have adequate resources and work should start immediately after the new elections. He sees a particular need for action in the digitalization of administrative processes.

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From August 2023, Bitcom has been monitoring the state of implementation of the federal government’s digital projects in the “Monitor Digital Pact”, the difficulties in realizing them and their importance for the economy and society. The association comprises more than 2,000 members from across the IT and telecommunications industry, whose political and economic interests it publicly represents. Recently, another study by Bitcom showed that companies disagree about how artificial intelligence will impact the job market and the need for skilled workers.


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