The Kafka project, managed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), has reached version 3.9. According to the release notes, this is the last major update to the 3.x series of the event and data stream processing platform. This release marks the end of support for the obsolete Zookeeper mode, as Kafka runs without Zookeeper starting from version 4.0.
KRaft-Quoren replaces Zookeeper
A major innovation in Kafka 3.9 is the introduction of dynamic KRaft quorum, which makes it possible to change controller nodes without downtime. This will make it easier for users to manage and customize the Kafka infrastructure. KRaft Quorum in Apache Kafka is a system that leverages the Raft algorithm to manage metadata, eliminating the dependency on ZooKeeper. Zookeeper is a service used to centrally manage configuration, name registries, and synchronization services in distributed systems.

According to the release notes, the development team has completed adjustments to the process of migrating from Zookeeper to Kercraft. This migration has been continuously modified since Kafka 3.4. Administrators who continue to use Zookeeper are encouraged to migrate to Kafka 3.9 before upgrading to Kafka 4.0.
production level storage ready
Additionally, the Tiered Storage feature, which has been in development since Kafka 3.6, is now ready for production use and brings new tools for managing storage loads. Improvements to Kafka Streams and Kafka Connect include modified logging, a new processing exception handler designed to allow users to handle specific exceptions that occur during message processing. This handler is invoked once per StreamTask. The update also includes additional configuration options.
provide more information Release Notes as well as Post on Confluent Blog,