The European Union Commission on Monday submitted a plan to improve the community’s response to large scale cyber attacks. With a recommendation proposal for the Council of Ministers, the Commission plans to bring the existing European Union structure for crisis management in the field of cyber security. In addition, the relevant European Union actors are to be given observation, including NATO and its roles. This makes it possible to extend cyber incidence more accurately and weaken them as far as possible and include them. The Commission wants to make the required capacity and equipment for this.
“A large -scale cyber security incident may have a limit of disruption in the incident that exceeds the accountability of the member state or has significant impact on many European Union countries, Explains the commission in the draftAn increase and infection for a real crisis is perceptive, “that affects the proper functioning of the internal market or leads to serious risks for public safety”. Effective crisis management is therefore significant importance for maintenance of economic stability and protection of European governments, critical infrastructure (criticism), citizens and companies. This type of approach also contributes to international security and stability in cyberspace.

The document says, “A comprehensive and integrated approach to compete with the crisis must be funded in all regions and government levels.” If cyber security events are part of more broad hybrid campaign or crisis, the concerned actors should support efforts to develop a similar situation in many areas.
Surely digital infrastructure
Above all, important digital infrastructure safety is fundamental significance for business, society and flexibility of defense, the states of the Commission. Companies in the region and operators of Unteresekabeln will have to take measures to protect the physical and ecological safety of network and information systems. It is important to take into account “all dangers such as system failure, human failure, malicious action or natural phenomena” and reports immediate events. The executive example only presented its action plan to protect and repair lines on the sea level on Friday.
According to the initiative, “Countless cooperation between public and private institutions, including manufacturers and open sources developers, is required for better companies in other criticism areas such as energy, transport and financial services”. This should be based on confidence and clear procedures for the exchange and coordination of information. An important measure, for example, is a public and safe European DNS-Resolver service. To increase the flexibility of other important components such as routing systems, it is important to implement proven practical examples and the latest available standards immediately.
Constant encrypted communication solution in demand
According to the Commission, European Union institutions should “agree on a difference set of safe communication solutions for relevant actors by the end of 2026”. It should cover the entire spectrum of necessary communication mode such as language, data, video conference, messages, cooperation and document exchange. The purpose of solutions is to reflect major principles such as “safety interests, technical sovereignty and privacy”. You will have to map features such as user-friendship, integrated security, certification by European Information Safety Officers, End-to-end Encripation, Authentication, Availability and Post Quantum Cryptography.
According to the plan, more coordination is also necessary to identify malicious activities in rapidly complex global supply chains. It is particularly relevant to regions in which the European Union rely on technology from high -rash suppliers that are subject to the jurisdiction of third -country like China. Information about the weak spots of software or hardware must be informed to the authorities, before their possible exploitation is generally known. Member states and relevant institutions also have “developing a skilled continuous cycle of cyber exercises”.
The project makes the European Union’s toolbox for existing framework plants such as cyber diplomacy, criticism rules or new cybersolidarity law. The Deputy Chairman of the Commission, responsible for technical sovereignty, see Mehndi Virkunas recommendation as “important steps towards strengthening our collective cyber flexibility”.