Developer Snapshot: Programmer news in a sentence or two

Developer Snapshot: Programmer news in a sentence or two

Here is a fairly subjective selection of short news stories from the last few days:


New in .NET 8.0 (27): Configurable naming conventions in System.Text.Json 8.0New in .NET 8.0 (27): Configurable naming conventions in System.Text.Json 8.0

  • Datadog has it A range of new observational products Introduced: These include LLM Observability, which developers use to efficiently monitor and secure language models, or Data Jobs Monitoring, which detects problematic data jobs in pipelines. OpenTelemetry users will be happy about the Agent Collector.
  • Promises better performance and new functions Version 7.2 of the Tanzu Greenplum Data Platform. Index seeks ensure improved performance, especially for AO tables (append-optimized). VMware expects this to result in a thousandfold increase in speed.
  • The final version of Django 5.1 is compared Beta 1 is now released Fix only errors and regressions compared to older versions. Supports the latest versions of the web framework series, Python 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12.
  • LF AI and Data spoke at the Linux Foundation’s “AI_Dev Europe” conference held in Paris on June 19 and 20. Beta version of the Model Openness Tool (MOT) Published. MOT Tool Assess Criteria Model Openness Framework (MOF) and assigns a score based on the availability of model elements and the choice of licensing. MOF provides developers with a comprehensive system for assessing and classifying the completeness and openness of machine learning models.
  • JetBrains has that Datalore version 2024.3the data science notebook platform for teams. The development team has focused this update on improving the quality and reliability of Datalore. Among other things, an option is now available with which developers can directly import the files they have created during a planned run /data/notebook_files can save.
  • SciPy is a collection of mathematical algorithms and convenience functions built on top of NumPy Version 1.14.0 has arrived. This release includes several new features, many bug fixes, improved test coverage, and revised documentation. SciPy now supports the new Accelerate library introduced in macOS 13.3. In addition, it was scipy.fft.prev_fast_len Added a new function that finds the largest combination of FFT radices that are smaller than the target length.
  • Meta AI publishes data models that simulate compilers. LLM compilers are based on Llama and can predict settings for optimal code size or even disassemble machine code.
  • Microsoft’s .NET Upgrade Assistant now gets a Evaluation Toolwhich analyzes old code for potential upgrade issues and presents them in a dashboard. There it also estimates the effort required for the change.
  • Open source Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) cloud hypervisor is currently available In version v40.0 Available. It can be used on KVM hypervisors and Microsoft hypervisors (MSHV). In this version it should now also be possible to access file descriptors for network devices via the HTTP API (using ch-remote) to update during restore.
  • Databricks is now providing new function Predictive Optimization Available. Data engineering teams can use it to automate their previously manual maintenance processes. Predictive optimization relies on data intelligence engines for this task and recently uses Unity Catalog released as open source,

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