Home DEVELOPER Developer Snapshot: Programmer news in a sentence or two

Developer Snapshot: Programmer news in a sentence or two


Here is a fairly subjective selection of short news stories from the last few days:


All-new web browser: Ladybird is now its own project

  • The creators of design tool Canva have this Availability of Connect API announced. These REST APIs are intended to allow developers to connect Canva more closely with other platforms, data sources, or programs like Slack or Salesforce.
  • The Whole Tomato development team created Visual Assist In version 2024.4 Published. This version now also supports Windows on ARM. Visual Assist is available as a fully ARM-native plugin that developers can use in ARM builds of Visual Studio.
  • Apache Daffodil provides an open source implementation Data Format Description Language (DFDL) for conversion between data in fixed format on the one hand and XML, JSON and other data structures on the other. The software is now Release 3.8.0 Arrived. The development team emphasizes that in this release they have focused on providing an API for creating Daffodil layers.
  • The cryptographic library Libgcrypt is now available In version 1.11.0 Ready for download. This new stable branch maintains full API and ABI compatibility with its 1.10 predecessor series. The new version introduces several functionalities including several key derivation functions such as HKDF and X963KDF in addition to new algorithms.
  • QtGroup could not do this Beta version of Qt Creator 14But he also Beta 1 release of Qt 6.8 to announce. With the beta release of Qt Creator 14, the development team started supporting Lua-based plugins. This includes features such as registration of language servers, actions, settings and helpers, among other things. Qt 6.8 beta 1 brings new modules such as Qt Graph, Qt GRPC and Protobuf, Qt Http Server and a new SVG to QML conversion tool.
  • Solid Sands announces the availability of the update Version 1.2 of the Superguard Amsterdam product a – A requirements-based test suite for the C and C++ standard libraries. Includes 165 new test files for additional coverage of the C standard library, improved test subsets for environments that do not support certain floating point types, and an extension of the test platform for modular reporting.
  • It has some novelties AI coding assistant for entire Git projects,Adder, in version 0.38. With parameter --vim Users can now use Vim keybindings. In addition, LLM metadata can be included .aider.models.json Add.
  • Eclipse Platform Theia 2024.05 is a community release was released and includes innovations from Theia publications 146 to 149. Among other things, there are now development containers for Docker, with which Theia connects automatically when started if desired. The IDE platform now also has a version that runs only in the browser.
  • Docfd, fuzzy document searchFinds word-based text, documents and PDFs and starts the corresponding viewer automatically. Version 7 improves operation especially with new functions and keyboard shortcuts.

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