Dutash Telecom AG slightly improved its sales at the rate of inflation in 2024 and almost doubled the initial and net profit. “Another record year for Dutash Telecom, CEO Tim Hottess says. “We grow in all professional fields.” In 2025, the next record year for the German telecom group is scheduled.

Is a turnover Group according to Climbed to 3.4 percent to 115.8 billion euros. Of these, 50.3 billion EBITDA (benefits before interest, taxes and depreciation, +12%) and 26.3 billion euros remained as an operating result (ebit, +26%). The operative cash flow rose six percent to 45.5 billion euros. After cutting the interest burden and compensation for minority investment results, Telecom has achieved input tax results of 23 billion euros. This is an increase of about 92 percent.
After taxes, the group remained 17.7 billion euros. On the one hand, it is more than doubled since 2023, and on the other side there is a decline in net profit. It depends on the approach. As as, Dutash Telecom sold 51 percent of its “radio towers” (inactive parts of the mobile phone transmitter) in Germany and Austria (GD towers). In 2023, it was reflected in the result of 12.9 billion euros. If you ignore the yield once in 2023, the net profit in 2024 was about 113 percent more, that is, more than double. If you do not ignore it, the net profit melts around the fifth.
Incidentally, American assistant T-Mobile USA also sold its landline in a dollar in comparison in 2023. However, it only caused the loss of sale of four million euros in books; This corresponds to a round error on the scale of the financial results of the group.
High debt
The date of Dutash Telecom was 1377.7 billion euros at the turn of Mountain Year. If she was able to reduce her loan by ten billion euros in 2023, then in 2024, five billion was again added. This is the size of the paid dividend. If the shares were not sold in the group T-Mobile USA, the increase would also have been 3.6 billion euros. (However, Duthe Telecom kept most of the T-Mobile USA, which was recovered in 2023.)
The T-Mobile USA share buyback program alone is reflected at the group level with 10.4 billion euros. Another 5.6 billion euro cost dividend payment. The cost of frequency rights is 2024 3.2 billion euros, the new lease liabilities and other use rights one and 3.8 billion euros. It sells radio towers sold in Germany and Austria as well as parts of the US fixed network.
Germany: New cars require sim cards
Dutash Telecom AG is not a quarter of its sales in Germany. In the home market, the 2024 annual turnover is 25.7 billion euros. This is an increase of 2.1 percent, which almost matches the rate of inflation. Ebitda has shrunk from the same percentage to ten billion euros. The operating result also fell 6.2 percent to 5.7 billion euros.
Mobile phone connections have a higher increase, and especially in the section with advance payment (prepaid). This is particularly due to the fact that new cars are distributed with built -in mobile phone modem. In this way car manufacturers monitor their customers. Telecom is happy, as it has obtained more than six million prepaid connection nets a year. It was 42 million (+16%) at the turn of the year.
But Congress and Telecom Group brands also succeed in contract customer business. 1.36 million additional connections mean growth of 5.4 percent to 26.5 million at the turn of the year. Overall, it means 68.6 million mobile phone connections (+12%) from Telecom in Germany.
On the other hand, the German landline does not shine so much magenta. The number of fixed network connections he served has fallen by one good percentage to 17.2 million, even in a good quarter, the number of telecom connection connection lines. On the date, only 1.9 million of them were. Broadband connections are 17.2 million compared to a low increase (less than one percent), as well as a healthy growth in television placements via satellites and IPTVs. For this purpose, 4.6 million German fees were paid to Telecom, an increase of a good seven percent at the end of 2024.