The call for the “Digital Only” strategy of the government of the Federal Digital Minister Volkar Visting (FDP) receives an objection. From such a point of view, “in unconstitutionalism”, “Syuddatsche Zitung’s columnist Herbert Promrant on Tuesday complained on the occasion of European Data Protection Day in Berlin at a seminar by federal and state governments (DSK) in Berlin. In view of the “small and big everyday life”, PRANTL advocated the expansion of the standardized discrimination ban in Article 3 Act for a fundamental right for access to the services of services of services.

Mature citizens should be entitled to be able to use essential services without a smartphone, Prantl explained. The latter represents a “monitoring architecture” and acts as a pocket detective. If you do not want to join the data emission regime of Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple and Microsoft, it is not the enemy of technology, but a connoisseur of matter. Many apps give information about tracking companies. So “trade unionists, peace workers or homosexuals” can easily meet. Evaluation of location data food movement profiles.
If democracy is completely outstanding, then there is a high time to reflect the origin of people’s safety in the digital world, the author posted. In this sense, data protection is “basic fundamental right in information society”. Because data are “expression, not waste of personality”. They should not be used and recycled only at digital commercial recycling centers.
DB saving price went on tickets
Bahncard, along with tickets and appointment bookings, abolished the payment options with Juta Gorakman made cash from the Federal Association of Consumer Centers (VZBV). Existing sectors such as health care, dynamics and finance should be analog. Digitization can promote participation and make services available more widely. But there is a growing gap for those who “lags behind” or, for the reasons for data security, choose a vigilant digital solution. Thus “digital exclusion” is threatened.
With DHL pack stations who do not work without smartphones, semesters and Germany tickets via smartphones, only a gradual process of forcibly digitizing through the app and menu through the app and menu. Complained Already in 2021 Digital a digital compulsory detector Posted online. This is what the organization receives more and more complaints from the citizens who watch and maintain the mobile device. To be able to use the official app, you have to register with Apple or Google. Free app store options are usually not allowed. This is often accompanied by a version of dealing with “poor programmed software”.
Hesian Data Protection Officer Alexander Runagel appealed to the digital-on-leagged to “go or not to go to keep in mind”. An app specification with compulsion to disclose personal information is not compatible with general data security regulation (GDPR). When implementing this dialect, however, the businessman does not see a royal path because the question of proportionality always arises. It is appropriate for a doctor to fill the phone at least two hours a day. When making an appointment by AI chatboat, however, he becomes scary, as all data will be collected and transferred to countries such as the United States. In Deutsche Bahn, its job was able to get with good arguments that they were selling saving price tickets again without specifying the email address.
Data Protection Officer see MLAs requested
Treatment before christmas Dsk a resolution Suppose it urges to ensure human digitization in general interest. It says: If the use of central services, for example traffic, energy and water supply or in the areas of culture, require the use of electronic communication channels such as internet, app or digital account opening, then some people born some people Can give out. It worries all those who are unable to use digital techniques due to physical or mental loss, their age, distant technology or missing means, or who in the practice of their fundamental rights for informative self -possession. Did not want to disclose the data.
In addition, Article 6 is the processing of individual data required for contract only when providing service according to GDPR. This belongs to the main object of such an agreement – so data processing must be required for the use of normal interest. Already in the scheme of digitization projects – and their implementation – design by design should take suitable measures for minimalization of data through privacy. The DSK appeals to the MLAs of the federal and state governments to examine the flanky measures in the field of general interest.
Economy: No entitled for dual structures
Gieansen Constitutional Advocate Stephen Augsburg closed a fundamental perfect approach. Mass legal positions such as freedom of competition, open for innovation or administrative efficiency should also be taken into consideration. For companies, “there will be no fundamental standard obligation to participate”. Even with monopoly -dominated structures, they can specifically reject potential customers, the lawyer insisted. For example, Facebook is not forced to place on the analog platform model. The situation is different with core state functions such as execution of elections. But even, a request for digital is often not a compulsion in legal sense.
“Fuilous infrastructure is always very, very expensive,” said Nico Ludman of the Federal Association of Medium -Citized Economy (BVMW). This is applied, especially if someone is used much less, as mobile devices use is standard. A ticket, for example, actually costs 20 euros more quickly, which the entire model can tip to tip. Hence the advisory in principle advocates entrepreneurship to bring innovations on the market from the beginning with “great” GDPR. For Big-Deta analysis, for example, the pool must be defined with unknown data. At the same time, GDPR should be interpreted evenly.