Home NETWORK POLITICS Data Protection in Deepsak: It seems “missing too much”

Data Protection in Deepsak: It seems “missing too much”


German data protectionist Chinese-Chitbot want to take a look at the lampsac, as can be seen from a report by Tagespiegale Background Specialist Service. According to the report, Rhinland-Salletnet Data Protection Officer Dietor Kugelman said, “In Deepsak, it is missing too much from everything.” Dipsex Chatbot with its data safety guidelines approves the wide access-including IP address, chat history, uploaded files and even keyboard attacks patterns and rhythms.


Data Protection Officer Kugelman also explained according to the reportTill now he does not know about any European branch and is not a responsible legal representative of Deepsek. This will be a violation of GDPR. So far, there is no data security agreement between the European Union and China that provides a legal basis for the data exchange.

Dipsek was already a subject at the intermediate conference of data protection officers in Berlin, Writes tageschauRhinland-Paltonate and many other German Data Protection Officers wanted to advise against further steps together. First, a questionnaire for data processing will probably be sent to the company. According to the report, Italian data protection officers had already contacted Deepsac with questions about dealing with user data. The app is no longer available there.

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An current leak also shows that it could be in Deepsek with data security and security in Organ: A database of the provider was open to the net with sensitive information, as IT security researchers revealed the Vij. Security experts said, “In a few minutes we found a publicly accessible clicked clicks database, which provided access to sensitive data with a connection without deepsek-hopes and without authentication,” said security experts. The database contains a significant amounts of chat processes, backnd data and sensitive information, including log stream and API secretions.

Deepsek created a sensation with his AI chat bot, despite much less training attempt, can record it with large models from OpenAE and sometimes perform better. It also ensured a true stock exchange earthquake, in which technical values ​​such as graphics card manufacturer Nvidia made it clear. Openai major investor Microsoft wanted to check if Deepsek had an unauthorized manner data from Openai; In Meta, a crisis worker had already been established due to Deepsek. Some observers talk of a sputial moment.


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