Concept Study: Ministry of Family developed “Data -Saving Age Verification”

Concept Study: Ministry of Family developed “Data -Saving Age Verification”

It is a cruel with age review on the net. Researchers consider this necessary to create a safe online environment for all users. However, there is currently no method that “adequately protects the person’s fundamental rights”. Media guards, European Union Commission and regulatory are calling for the use of strong online age verification system (AVS).

Federal Affairs Federal Minister Lisa Pose (Greens) launched a concept for “data-saving age verification” in view of this dilemma at Fraunhoff Institute for Information Technology (SIT). A result paper is now available that experts were working on its implementation in a workshop.

Risks associated with the implementation of old -age insurance include confidentiality, data leaks, behavior monitoring, identity theft and intervention in restricted autonomy of users. The use of ID cards with first general procedures such as video-identity processes, Shufa Identity Czech, Electronic Identification Function (OATH) or Youth Safety Programs or Credit Card verification is associated with experts under this aspect or with much more user obstacles.

Fraunhofer researchers followed by according to their published Concept study from July The goal that users can demonstrate their age on the Internet to create an account or disclose personal data. Your solution: A trusted body should confirm through a sophisticated protocol that a user belongs to a certain age group, ie about 12, 16 or 18 years.

Service providers such as social networks or erotic portal operators experience this so -called age corket only. The arbitration body, in turn, does not experience which provider and user need to serve.

Scientists describe the verification process as follows: The provider sends age request and a random number that he created in a standardized format with a small validity. The user selected a verification and sends it to the data received from the service provider.

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The independent body then checks whether the certified user meets the received age request. The result indicates you with random number. This age proof goes back to the provider through the user, which can determine the integrity and authenticity of the data and, if necessary, provide the user access to the age -based services.

According to the concept, the process can be manually applied by browser extensions, independent apps or “raw data”. In addition to the restrictive country -specific rules, the team describes potential espionage or passes on access data as challenges. In addition, for such a data-saving age verification, a central, state-commissioning, implementation of a public major infrastructure (PKI) with independent certification bodies is necessary, which cannot pursue any commercial interests and check for verification and expertise.

The Ministry of Family Affairs is working as part of several workshops. According to published posts, also published by Document for third relevant session in December Among other things, registration register, bank, health insurance companies and federal motor transport authority. As a practical examples, participants discussed the Sparkssene-Und Girovorband, offering age proof for Kulturpas since October, as well as arbitration service for digital identification management in schools (VIDIS). This allows a safe registration for a wide variety of educational proposals and serves as an interface between identification providers and service providers. In theory, Vidis is considered a site of the learners.


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