cyber attacks Are for individuals or businesses One of the crimes that are increasing the most Nowadays. This current problem has become very serious, because criminals are able to stealing confidential information one of the two If they succeed in ‘kidnapping’ they will ask for money from you Sensitive content that is stored on your device. technical information prevent of attacks and how to act It has become inevitable for them today.
civil guard Have shared an initiative of Interpol and Dutch police call out ,no more ransom projectswants this offer Give tools and advice citizens need to know How to deal with cyber attacksThis also includes a Directory with computer programs he can help you decrypt your computer If you have already been a victim of cyber kidnapping.
How do they get into your device?
One of the ways a hacker with bad intentions takes advantage of you Remote locking and encryption of your computerMany times this condition begins when the victim download a document from a fraudulent email, or by entering infected link,
They are often the first to contact you passing by another person or entity, and they attempt to make you succumb to ,‘Phishing’, to which they attach a file or link. While downloading the file, you can be downloading computer virus Which gives the cyber criminal complete control of the computer remotely.
From this moment on, various situations may arise. every virus is different And not everyone’s objective is the same. such viruses are Dedicated to saving and transmitting your passwords Or important data to any other device. Other viruses use your computer to reach more people. But the ‘No More Ransom Project’ platform focuses on helping citizens who suffer Hijacking using device encryptionSpecifically, viruses are known as ‘Ransomware’,
hijacking by encryption
Cyber hijacking is when you have downloaded a virus and it gives you Give control of your computer to someone else Which is hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. The kidnapper moves forward Encrypt all your documents and programs, turn your computer or mobile device into a useless equipment“The bad guys ask you to pay to get everything back, but This is usually not a solution“Warns the Civil Guard.
This is what it means when someone encrypts documents they can only be reached Through some specific keys It is only accessible to the person who encrypted them. This type of criminal They ask you for different amounts of money so you can re-entry Your ‘hijacked’ documents. Similarly, they can also make you blackmailing and threatening With the disclosure of your confidential information.
‘No more ransom projects’
European Initiative’no more ransom projects‘ searches for Provide support to those who have experienced itBut he emphasizes that the most important thing is preventThrough their portal they provide assistance respectively to resolve encryption issuesThey have a list of different programs that can be accessed Decrypt your files and jailbreak your deviceHowever it all depends on the complexity of the virus you downloaded.
Unfortunately, the Cyber Security Portal states that, “In many cases, Once ‘ransomware’ is executed on your device, there is nothing you can do Without a backup copy or some security software.” However, he also has good news: “Sometimes Is it possible to help infected users? Recover your encrypted files, or unlock your device without payment“We have created a repository of keys and applications that can decrypt data encrypted by different types of ransomware.”
In any case, the general recommendation is do not pay ransomsending your money to cyber criminals you will contribute Because ‘ransomware’ fraud continueAdditionally, like real hijackings, there is no guarantee that you will receive the key to decrypt your device after payment. Sometimes it’s better to say goodbye to your files forever, unless you want to take a risk and pay a lot of money without the assurance that The cyber criminal makes his point.