Since the Series 4 in 2018, the Apple Watch includes a 1-channel ECG. This will make it possible to detect atrial fibrillation. This feature also offers a more detailed report: in the Health app Health on the iPhone you can find the cardiogram, which you can also bring to your doctor. A Swiss hospital is now offering to have the data from the Apple Watch evaluated by professionals at a fixed price.
Send ECG and get it evaluated
The project runs within the framework of the so-called Wearable Clinic in Basel, which belongs to the university hospital there. ECG extracts should also make it possible to diagnose other forms of cardiac arrhythmia such as heart palpitations, panic attacks or irregular pulses – not just warn of atrial fibrillation. Some of the things the Apple Watch can do “Heart Health Message” Output, which includes irregularities in rhythm and pulse rates that are too high or too low, but the 1-channel ECG taken should be evaluated by a doctor.
The university hospital said the wearable clinic is staffed by doctors and technicians from the electrophysiology team who are “leading experts in the field of cardiac arrhythmias.” “Once the ECG is sent, you will receive a written report with an expert interpretation of the ECG and a recommendation for further procedures,” the information said. Of course, a heart attack or stroke cannot be detected or predicted, so you should call the emergency service immediately.

Other devices are also supported
The cost of the analysis is currently 20 Swiss francs, which must be paid online. The Wearable Clinic is also researching this topic – it has already been done there Work on the accuracy of detecting atrial fibrillation using a smartwatch Published and tested the usefulness of automatic interval measurement using 1-channel ECG. The data is stored on a server in Switzerland and will not be passed on to third parties.
In addition to the Apple Watch, Wearable Clinic also supports other devices. These include specific ECG meters such as the AliveCor Kardia Mobile, but also the Fitbit Sense, Withings ScanWatch, Samsung’s Galaxy Watch, and “other brands and models” that can output ECG file reports as PDFs.