Cinema ticket sales decreases in 2024

Cinema ticket sales decreases in 2024

Theaters in Germany sold a total of 90.1 million tickets in the calendar year 2024, It has been informed by Filmfordurungsnstalt (FFA)Pieter Dinges, a member of the FFA Board, suggests that the decline of 5.8 percent unlike last year was expected to be Football European Championship and Football European Championship and Olympic Games for the Olympic Games. But the strike of actors in Hollywood was also the proportion of moderate decline according to the FFA.


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With “The School of Magic Animals 3” and “Chantal in the Fairytail Land”, two German presentations can be found in the fifth and sixth position of ten films, for which tickets were sold the most in this country. This list leads the Disney Pixer film “Everything Is Head 2”.

The market share of German films fell from 24.3 percent to 20.6 percent. It is also responsible for the fact that there were no major international performances in 2024 which were shot in Germany. In 2023, for example, “John Vik” and “The Hungary of Panum” were published in theaters, which included both scenes made in Berlin.

The number of theaters in Germany has also decreased slightly. The number decreased by 1.3 percent, which is not an alarm sign according to Peter Dinges. In addition, small cinemas with three halls have an average of four percent higher and houses with more than four halls sell eight percent less tickets. According to Dinges, it can be attributed to the low number of blockbusters published in 2024. For 2025, however, one is expecting a bigger title such as “Avatar 3”, “Minicraft Film” and “Cano Des Menitu”.


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