Home ENTERTAINMENT C64: Listen to MIDI music on SID sound chip with cartridge extension

C64: Listen to MIDI music on SID sound chip with cartridge extension


Anyone who cannot get enough of the distinctive, shrill and often bubbling sound of the SID sound chip in the C64 has the option of connecting any musical instrument to an 8-bit computer using the open source cartridge “TeensyROM”. It turns an 80s 8-bit home computer into a SID synthesizer. For example, the C64’s music chip can be controlled from an external MIDI keyboard connected via USB. Sound can also be output via SID along with other control options. Several videos show what can be done with it.


A user with the handle LukHash has shown an interesting usage approach with guitar-to-MIDI software: instead of playing a string on a guitar, the C64’s sound module spits out melodies and harmonies.

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The module’s ASID player turns the SID into a modular synthesizer: ASID data can be fed to a smartphone via the TeensyROM module and thus C64 music can be output.

There is no shortage of creative solutions in the C64 community to make the possibly immortal 8-bit computer suitable for today. A year ago, C64 enthusiast Travis Smith presented the first version of the open source cartridge “TeensyROM” developed by him, after several updates, the project now offers a wide range of functions in its latest version: MIDI input and output, ROM emulator and internet. Access via Ethernet; The obligatory fast charger for the C64 is also on board, the cartridge is based on the famous Teensy 4.1 microcontroller and playing MIDI files on the C64 is child’s play. It should also be very easy to launch .crt files using a mini SD card or USB stick.

Teensyrom is Available for free on GitHubWhich includes source code, circuit board layout, and a housing for 3D printing. If you want to save yourself the tinkering, you can also get the cartridge fully assembled for $59 Purchase,


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