C++26 core language: small improvements

C++26 core language: small improvements

In addition to the big additions to Reflection and Contracts that I’ve presented in a few posts, some smaller, useful additions are also planned for C++26.


Rainer Grimm has been working as a software architect, team and training manager for many years. He enjoys writing articles on the programming languages ​​C++, Python, and Haskell, but also frequently speaks at expert conferences. On his blog Modern C++ he discusses his passion C++ in depth.

Last week I showed wildcards and extended character sets, and this time I’m talking about additional additions to the C++ standard.

First, here’s the syntax static_assert In C++11:

static_assert(compile time predicate, unevaluated string)

In C++26, string can be a user-defined data type with the following properties:

  • One size() Method that produces an integer
  • One data() Method that produces a pointer of character type
  • elements in range (data(), data()+size()) are valid. ,P2741R3,

static_assert Can now be used with formatting strings. Here’s a good example from the proposal P2741R3I turned it into a whole program.

// static_assert26.cpp


constexpr bool ensure_size() {
    static_assert(sizeof(T) == Expected, "Unexpected sizeof");
    return true;

struct S {
    int _{};

int main() {

    std::cout << std::boolalpha << "C++11\n";

    std::cout << std::boolalpha << "C++26\n";
    static_assert(sizeof(S) == 1,
        std::format("Unexpected sizeof: expected 1, got {}", sizeof(S))); 

    std::cout << '\n';    


template ensure_size Three parameters are defined to be accepted: a data type T, an expected size Expected and an optional parameter Sizewhich is the default size for T matches. Does any checking within the function static_assert-Instructions of any size T even Expected Is. If the sizes do not match, compilation fails with the message Unexpected sizeof Memory. function returns true Return upon completion of assurance.

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The program then defines a simple structure S containing a single integer element _ prevent. This structure is used static_assert-Display functionality.

In mainFunction, program comes initially with C++11 std::boolalpha To get boolean value in console true Or false to format. will do again static_assert with, which checks whether the size S Is 1 byte. since the size of S is actually larger than 1 byte, this assertion will fail and result in a compilation error.

Next, the program outputs C++26 to the console and uses another static_assertthis time is coming std::format For use. size of if S There is 1 byte but not 4, compilation failed.

Looking at the gcc error messages three errors appear. std::format not yet constexpr,

Pack indexing is probably the favorite template improvement for template metaprogramming fans.

The following example is based on the proposal P2662R3,

// packIndexing.cpp


constexpr auto first_plus_last(T... values) -> T...(0) {
    return T...(0)(values...(0) + values...(sizeof...(values)-1));

int main() {

    std::cout << '\n';

    using namespace std::string_literals;

    std::string hello = first_plus_last("Hello"s, "world"s, "goodbye"s, "World"s); 
    std::cout << "hello: " << hello << '\n';

    constexpr int sum = first_plus_last(1, 2, 10);
    std::cout << "sum: " << sum << '\n';

    std::cout << '\n';

The example provided is a function template that calculates the sum of the first and last elements of a parameter pack.

The function is defined as a template that accepts a variable number of parameters of any data type T. The return type of a function is specified using the following return type syntax.

Returns the sum of the first and last elements of the function body parameter pack. expression values...(0) reaches the first element and values...(sizeof...(values)-1) Reaches the last element.

Here is the output of the program:

With C++26 you may have a reason for this delete prompt. I believe this will become established as best practice. The following program is intended to clarify the process.

// deleteReason.cpp


void func(double){}

void func(T) = delete("Only for double");

int main(){

    std::cout << '\n';

    std::cout << '\n';


Celebration func Is overloaded in two ways. The first overload is a regular function which is a double Used as a parameter. This function can be used without any problems doubleCan be called logic.

The second overload is a template that can take any data type as a parameter. However, this function is clearly used = deletespecifier with custom message”Only for double“Removed. This means that each instantiation will have a data type other than double This results in a compilation error and the provided message is displayed.

In mainFunction calls program func with logic 3.14 But, that one double Is. This call is valid and invokes non-template overloading func But.

Next program tries func with logic 3.14f to call him float Is. Since there is no non-template overloading func there is one float Once accepted, the template functions will start working immediately. However, since the template function works for all data types except double has been removed, this call resulted in a compilation error with the message “Only for double,

In my next article I will discuss C++26 libraries.


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