British back door: Suspicious apple on Google too

British back door: Suspicious apple on Google too

A British Secret command determines Apple to include a back door in strong encryption of backup and other data. It has now been indicated that Apple is not alone and Google is also given a comparable secret arrangement. In Great Britain, secret orders are called technical capacity notice (TCN).

The author of these lines has not received any TCN. I can tell this publicly because and until I have received anyone. If I had received one, I should neither refuse nor confirm it properly. And because Apple also follows the British law, it has only told the US Parliament that in the case of the case, it should not be said whether it has received TCN or not.

It is striking that Google also informed the American Senator’s office Ron Waydane that in case the case had nothing to say. This is not a dement yet.

Apple tries to get himself out of the circle by closing the Advanced Data Protection (ADP) in the United Kingdom. This weakens encryption, but Apple feels that Apple does not need to install a back door in a service that is not introduced in the country. But it is not satisfied with Royal Secret services that want to spy around the world.

Therefore, Apple legally defends himself against London’s secret system. It submitted a complaint against the Secret Command at the Investigatry Power Tribunal. The committee located in the British Ministry of the interior describes itself as an independent facility. It takes secretly decisions about complaints about legal violations possibly when using the methods of secret investigation or monitoring by United Kingdom authorities.

Democrat Wayden has now written an open letter to the Presiding Judge, named Gupta, along with two other members of his party and two from Republican. American politicians demanded that the court resolves the confidentiality of monitoring orders, where American companies affect. Because independence and data protection cuts reduce the control of secret services by the parliaments of both states, damage national security and finally “special relations” between the United Kingdom and the United States, which emerged from the British colonies.

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American politicians are reminiscent of the British body, “The secret court hearing with secret services and some of these approved people do not enable strong reviews in high-technical cases.” In view of the threat to the United States national security, they demand that American experts may analyze technical guidelines and comment on their safety.

In addition, in the letter sent on last Thursday, it has been demanded that the negotiations set for the last Friday and all the procedural steps will follow the principle of public jurisdiction. So far, the letter has not given any visual success.


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