Home DEVELOPER bluetooth scam Be careful with this functionality of your mobile: you could...

bluetooth scam Be careful with this functionality of your mobile: you could be a victim of Bluesnarfing


there are people who are afraid adverse effects About people who may be affected by technology wirelessIt happened with 3G and 4G, and there are theories that keep it 5g This is also harmful. However, there are no scientific studies to prove this. However, a connection type he has everything Mobile, And most users have it too enabled by defaultyes it is DangerousOf course, it’s not bad for your health, but Security of users. it’s about bluetooth technology,

In defcon conferenceone of the conferences of Cyber ​​security Most importantly in the world, experts in this field came to the conclusion that Bluetooth is a technology that is easy to ‘hack’. Moreover, officials have long warned that wireless connection is used with malicious intentActually, this criminal practice has a name: ‘bluesnarfing,

the point is that crimes In this manner they move ahead and the police alert the citizens. Mossos de Escuadra They have already warned users about the importance of Know when to turn on BluetoothBecause cyber criminals can do this Steal passwords and banking details Through this. Similarly, they launched a call: Do not accept links from unknown devices.

‘BLucanarfing’ without pairing the device with another

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national police walks past. On their social networks they indicate that criminals know everything and They no longer need to pair a device with you to steal from you“That’s enough are 10 or 15 meters away away, and you have ‘Bluetooth’ activatedso that they can access your phone” the armed institution said in a video published on its various social networks.

As in recent cases of ‘Bluesnarfing’ users have not allowed any third party to access the mobile phone, the police force emphasizes that this is very important keep your mobile phone updated with the last security patch,

looking for hackers steal data Related to emails, messages or files stored on the device. “Then they start doing Sell ​​on the ‘Dark Web’ Or they use them to carry out other types of scams or extortion,” explains a National Police agent.

“So that this does not happen to you, update the software of your device, turn on Bluetooth.” Only if you are going to use it And decline any pairing requests that come from unknown devices,” he recommends.

battery enemy

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Well, another compelling reason for this turn off bluetooth Whenever possible, except for WiFi, this is because it consumes batteries of equipment.



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